Age of Production

Adding new machines to Space Age for more variety and bigger production!

a day ago
Combat Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b [Solved]Advanced thruster recipes not appearing in Hydraulic Plant

10 days ago

Can you add the advanced thruster recipes to the Hydraulic plant? By the time you get access to the plant you will long had access to the advanced versions of the recipes. So I don't quite understand the reason why the basic recipes are in the plant but advanced are not.

9 days ago

I dont know what you mean, they ARE in.
Im literally using them in my save withh the hydraulic plant.
Another mod you have must be causing a conflict.

8 days ago

Huh it seems to be because of maraxsis, it seems to be that the maraxsis hydro plant takes the place of your hydraulic plant? They both use the same graphics but idk how that would cause the problem. But with maraxsis removed its there. If you need anything from me to troubleshoot let me know.

8 days ago
(updated 8 days ago)

I went through and checked a lot of things. There also seems to be a problem with extraplanatory production, it looks like most of the armory's recipes just aren't there. To me It looks like if another mod adds a recipe to a different building your mod doesn't add it to your building.

8 days ago

Idk sorry
If you want i could test it too but it sounds very convoluted
Ill change the status of the thread

8 days ago

With only maraxsis and age of production enabled the advanced recipes are missing.

8 days ago

ill contact notnotmelon

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