Age of Production

Adding new machines to Space Age for more variety and bigger production!

2 days ago
Combat Mining Fluids Manufacturing

i [Technically Solved]More Expensive Quantum Recipes

a month ago

Taking a look at the recipes for all the quantum machines (especially the lab/computer), I feel like the current cost isn't high enough :)

Going from 50% science pack drain to 10% science pack drain is an immense resource reduction on megabasing for SPM, and I feel like either the cost to build the lab should factor that in (by making it a challenge to build it, like having to supply something like both biter eggs, pentapod eggs, other spoilables) or a challenge to maintain/feed it (high power cost and active coolant loop with fluko).

What are your thoughts? Maybe an "expensive quantum recipes" toggle?

a month ago

I feel like they're balanced as they are currently, no one stops u from coding in something to make them more expensive yourself!

a month ago

Thanks for hearing me out :D I might give it a shot later. I think a supercoolant (another step of cooling between warm/cold fluko) would be a nice touch

a month ago

I still think the fact you have to build a research ship to use the quantum computers is enough but if you feel like doing that, have fun with it!

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