update for hopewelljnj's AdvancedNuclear and SonIcco's .16 fix. Adds second tier of nuclear reactor, heat exchanger, steam turbine and heat pipes. DEFAULT SETTINGS ARE SAME AS NORMAL REACTOR! VERY cheat-y mod.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2023-09-11 Changes: - reduce specific heat of advanced heat pipes - let's them heat up sooner and maybe transfer heat over longer distance? Bug Fixes: - efficiency setting never changed. Fix result: a 100MW reactor will consume 100 MW, not 100 and then eff .5? w/e idk
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2020-03-11 General: - Factorio 1.1 release
Version: 0.18.2 Date: 2020-03-11 General: - recipes aren't enabled by default. available from reactor tech research.
Version: 0.18.1 Date: 2020-01-24 General: - .18 release - change name and description a little bit
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2019-11-18 General: - Initial release - changelog.txt and license.txt (same license as .16 fix, GPLv3) Changes: - reactor uses energy_source table, not "burner" - settings are in megawatts, not multipliers - added option for setting reactor efficiency to match 1 turbine - increased exchanger power transfer - added maximum_temperature to turbine fluid_box so it can handle >1000C steam