Advanced Atomics

by drbert

Advanced Atomics provides you with improved versions of ammunition, armor and equipment made from Uranium or Plutonium-239. For even more advanced atomic stuff research Plutonium Nucleosynthesis to synthesize Pu-239 and Uranium Extraction to adsorb traces of uranium out of copper ore , iron ore and water.

1 year, 3 months ago
0.16 - 1.1
Combat Armor Manufacturing

g Too much stuff

1 year, 2 months ago

This looks like the kind of mod that seems useable at first when you give it a try
there is just way too much stuff in it.

A mod like this should be seperated into several smaller one's.
The weapons and ammo, the equiment, the extra synthesis and then all the other stuff like plutonium concrete and specialized
turrents like uranium flamethrowers.
4-5 mods so people can choose what they want to use without cluttering the research and crafting windows.

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