Add Slipstacks to your agricultural options, as an alternative stone and spoilage source on Gleba. Slipstacks do not emit spores when harvested. Splitstack polyps (The equivalent of a seed) is obtained by filtering the swamp water.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Provides a way to use those quality seeds, allowing Gleba to be a late-game source of quality materials. For each cultivatable plant (included those added by mods) adds a cultivator building, which can grow those plants using a seed and water as the recipe. Additionally, adds late game options to grow plants in space!
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Bioluminesence is too cool to not grow! Stingfronds can be planted. Harvesting Stingfronds gives nettles, which are processed with Bioflux to make Fluroflux, a slow release dense nutrient. Stingfronds also have uses in neurotoxic ammunitions, great for Gleba!
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Solar Array Wings for your space stations! Save on foundations, and use S.A.W.s for your Nauvis Science factory today! (Delicate when hit by asteroids, we take no liability to placement choices by user)
Mods introducing new content into the game.
You are a few researches away from being able to safely extract the Boompuff gas without it exploding in your face! Use the gas in flamethrowers, or explosives production
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Do your science on Gleba, the best planet, simply adds a alternative lab, with custom animation, for use on Gleba, with 4 module slots, and 4x research speed.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Why should only Nauvis have all the agricultural tower fun? Grow and harvest Demolisher pupae for infinite tungsten today! ( just don't wait too long for them to hatch!) Also gives a nutrient option to Vulcanus in the form of Demolisher larvae, great for oil cracking productivity in Biochambers!
Mods introducing new content into the game.