AAI Signals

Additional signals for things like health, speed, angle, land, water, position (X & Y), enemy detection, etc... Developed primarily for the Programmable Vehicles Mod but the signals can be used for anything.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0
Circuit network
Limited Distribution Only Licence
8 years ago
Latest Version:
0.7.1 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
0.14 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
166K users

Title: AAI Signals
Short Description: Additional signals for things like health, speed, angle, land, water, position (X & Y), enemy detection, etc... Developed primarily for the Programmable Vehicles Mod but the signals can be used for anything.
Name: aai-signals
Mod State: Beta
Dependencies: Base
Discord: https://discord.gg/GDvxHgXjkk
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/earendel

Signal List

  • Player Signal - Intended to represent the player of a player_index. In a single player game the player has a player_index of 1, so Player Signal 1 would be the first player.
  • Player Cursor Signal - Intended to represent the cursor of a player with a player_index.
  • Energy Signal - Intended to represent energy (in Joules)
  • Health Signal - Intended to represent an entity's health as an absolute value.
  • Angle Signal - Intended to represent a 0-360 orientation. 90 means East, 180 means South, 270 means West and 360 (or 0) means North. This is basically Factorio’s internal orientation system multiplied by 360.
  • Speed Signal - Intended to represent vehicle speed at 1000 times Factorio’s internal speed number system (the internal numbers are very small). Could also represent things like Crafting speed a 1000x.
  • Distance Signal - Intended to represent distance or range in Tile.
  • X Tile Position Signal - An X-Tile coordinate (East is positive, West is negative)
  • Y Tile Position Signal - An Y-Tile coordinate (South is positive, North is negative)
  • X Subtile Position Signal - (This represents 100 sub tiles per tile, i.e. 100 * X-Tile) - Useful for more precise positioning. It should be the same as 100 * X-Tile
  • Y Subtile Position Signal - (This represents 100 sub tiles per tile, i.e. 100 * Y-Tile) - Useful for more precise positioning. It should be the same as 100 * Y-Tile
  • Enemy Unit Signal - Intended to represent an enemy unit-type entity such as biters or enemy robot armies. Could also represent enemy players or vehicles.
  • Enemy Unit Spawner Signal - A biter spawner.
  • Enemy Turret Signal - Intended to represent an enemy turret-type entity such as Worms or enemy gun turrets.
  • Land Signal - Represents any sort of land tile (from desert to concrete), anything that is not water.
  • Water Signal - Represents any sort of water tile.
  • Cliff Signal - Represents a cliff entity.
  • Count-Of-Type Signal - Intended to be a generic counter representing the total population size of a certain type of thing based on the context. (The total number of Cars, the total number of Blue Circle Zones, etc) Usually paired with another signal to give it context.
  • Time Since Target Locked Signal - Intended to represent the number of ticks since an entity last had a link on a target. If this value is low it is probably in combat.
  • Time Since Moved Signal - Intended to represent the number of ticks since an entity changed its current tile. If the value is high it is probably idle or stuck.
  • Time Since Last Command Signal - Intended to represent the number of ticks since an entity was given a command. Can be used as a delay timer so that the previous command can be allowed to continue for a few seconds.
  • Unit ID Signal - Intended to represent a unique unit ID that does not change once created.
  • Inventory Slot Signal - Intended to represent an inventory slot, typically an empty slot to show available space.
  • Path Signal - Intended to represent a Path ID (AAI Vehicles).
  • Path Count Signal - Intended to represent a the number of Paths (AAI Vehicles).
  • Waypoint Signal - Intended to represent a Path Waypoint ID (AAI Vehicles).
  • Waypoint Count Signal - Intended to represent a the number of Waypoints in a Path (AAI Vehicles).