
by Braxbro

A purely data-stage implementation of dangOreous-esque gameplay that supports map preview and (most) mods.

6 months ago

i Dividing lines at certain intervals

11 months ago

Hey Braxbro, thanks for making this mod! "the world is filled with ore" is a mod concept I really love, and it's cool that you were able to make it happen in the data stage.

A frustration I had a while back (DangOreus) was that later in the game, the "ore patch quantity" tallying operation (while in map view) would take a long time to get a count, and would frequently recount whenever mousing over the ore area. This was made worse by the fact I was playing with Omnimatter at the time, so the entire world was one giant continuous patch.

Is there a way to add some functionality that prevents ore generation along a line that's wide enough to stop the game from counting both sides as being part of the same ore patch? I'm not sure if it would end up creating too much free buildable space, but thought I would mention the idea to you since I am not familiar with the noise generation functions

11 months ago

Theoretically speaking, absolutely. I could even continue to populate those areas with the same ores. (basically, duplicate the ore and make it a distinct ore with the exact same properties, then make the duplicate ore spawn periodically)

It would, however, be fiddly to get working. (as noise functions overlapping creates some... fun... results that aren't always as you predict)

Would definitely be down to implement that in the 2.0 build of ClaustOrephobic, but that'll drop after the DLC does so that there's a Factorio 2.0-compatible ClaustOrephobic ASAP.

5 months ago

Speaking of "free space in the ore", by the way. I've considered making it so that there are small islands of free space in the ore, like anti-ore patches, controllable via worldgen settings. But I'm not sure about how I'll implement that. It's just a note I've made on my ideas doc for ClaustOrephobic.

5 months ago

I was thinking you could make a grid like a checkerboard, but I think the corners touching would be an issue. But you could do it with 4 types per ore: something like type = math.floor(x / size) % 2 + math.floor(y / size) % 2 * 2. I think that should make a checkerboardesque grid with at least size between each square of the same type. Or... for a more complicated "grid" you could do bricks with only three types: type = math.floor((x / size + math.floor(y / size) * 3)/2) % 3

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Yeah it's not a huge problem. It's just something I'll have to rework the maths to add, and with 2.0 literally right around the corner... not really worth it for the 1.1 build.

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