
by Braxbro

A purely data-stage implementation of dangOreous-esque gameplay that supports map preview and (most) mods.

3 months ago

i Square starting area

8 months ago

Can't play without this option

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Can't play without this option

...why not?
I mean, I can add it, sure, but why not?

8 months ago

My perfectionist can't play with the circle. I don't know exactly why, but the square seems nicer. I already get stressed out because the outer miners in the line finish later than the rest, essentially creating a curve. And it just seems off. Making a square out of a circle at the very beginning makes me not want to start at all. Maybe it's just me think but would appreciate very much if you add this

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

I'll put it on the list, but no promises on a release date. Changing the expressions alone is a lot of work, because they're extremely complicated. It's basically on par with adding a new preset for each existing preset.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

1.1.4 is released. Try it out. Was simpler to implement than I expected, to be honest.

6 months ago

Thanks a lot

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