Zithorian's Extra Storage Tanks for 2.0

Adds 4 storage tanks, all of them designed to look similar to their vanilla counterpart. A Factorio 2.0 port of the mod "Zithorian's Extra Storage Tanks" by Zithorian.

a month ago
Fluids Storage


Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2024-12-21
    - Added weight to all storage tanks, generally making them lighter as a result.
    - 5x5 tank: Reduced item stack size.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2024-12-05
    - Compatibility for Space Age DLC: Storage tanks now require heating on Aquilo, just like their
      vanilla counterpart. Amount required is roughly proportional to their surface area.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2024-12-01
    - Adjusted cost of all storage tanks, greatly lowering it for the larger ones. Had badly
      miscalculated before!
    - Adjusted health for all storage tanks.
    - Adjusted window fluid flow rate for all storage tanks, should be more accurate.
    - Changed explosion animation type and scaled amount and speed of debris from dying explosion
      for all storage tanks according to their size.
    - Item icons: Filled out windows so they are no longer see-through.
    - Replaced generic inventory item pick/drop/move and entity gui open/close sounds with those
      added in Factorio 2.0 for all storage tanks, according to their size.
    - Reduced working sound a bit for the smaller storage tanks.
    - Changed impact sounds of all storage tanks according to their size.
    - Changed explosion sound type of all storage tanks according to their size.
    - Replaced vehicle_impact_category with impact_category.
    - Added a bit more info to settings.
    - Fixed changelog.
    - Greatly compacted code for creation of remnants by using a function.
    - Tidied up.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024-11-18
    - Initial release. Copied the mod "Zithorian's Extra Storage Tanks" and renamed it.
    - Ported mod to Factorio 2.0:
      - Removed migrations with tech reset script, not needed; requires base >= 2.0.7 instead.
      - Updated entity fluid_box to use "volume" instead of "base_area".
      - Updated wire connections to use function "create_vector" instead of "create".
      - Updated recipes to use the full recipe format.
      - Fixed references to base game assets (game only uses high-res graphics now).
    - Added license type to info.json (MIT), and added a text-version to the mod folder, applying
      both Zithorian's and my own username to it.
    - Updated mod description.
    - Compacted entity descriptions by removing info that is not essential.
    - Removed capacity scaling factor from Startup Settings; seems unnecessary when each tank can
      be individually configured.
    - Set minimum value for capacity to 100.
    - Adjusted all storage tank capacities to roughly fit visuals (an increase in all cases).
    - Adjusted all recipes to roughly fit physical dimensions. Also, the larger the tank, the
      relatively more steel compared to iron it will need!
    - Increased stack size for the smaller tanks.
    - Fixed out-of-bounds tooltip images with drawing_box_vertical_extension (new property).
      Note: The same cannot be done for ghosts, at least not currently.
    - Adjusted alt-option content icon for all tanks with icon_draw_specification (new property).
    - Adjusted visual fluid flow rate to be roughly similar for all storage tank windows.
    - 1x1, 5x5 tank: Fixed a mismatch of fluid and fluid flow visuals, which was also causing
      frequent animation "jumps".
    - 1x1 tank: Slighly darkened dirt pattern of window, also added thin, dark edges.
    - 3x4 tank: Modified dirt pattern of window to look a bit less stretched out, added slighly
      dark edges, thickened bottom edge, but lightened the darkest area a bit. Created extended
      fluid flow graphics for the tank, to avoid unreasonable size scaling.
    - 5x5 tank: Modified dirt pattern of window to have no "cross-section" (matching the rest),
      added slighly dark edges, but lightened color of bottom edge.
    - Created properly scaled and positioned remnants for each storage tank.
    - Note: Not touching shadows around pipe connections, at least not for now; way too tedious
      to try and correct, and there are many of them.
    - Updated thumbnail, giving the letter a slighly darker and more vibrant hue of color. It's
      different! Notice how it matches my username as well? No-no, that's not important... nvm.
    - Added nil-check for Fluid Handling technology before adding recipe unlocks.
    - Tidied up.