Xenos Oppression: Ultimate Pack

by Mr.YaR

One Mod to find them, One Mod to bring them all and in the mod manager bind them.

Mod packs
4 months ago
Transportation Logistics Combat

g How to play?

5 months ago

Meant for pvp like command and conquer?! Or as one single vehicle to attack a biter nest? Or as army?

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Meant for combined arms gameplay. RTS-like, with AAI.
As an army, as you said.

Means: mg robots or armor cleans the path for tanks and/or artillery to shell the nests.

Best played vs slower (minus 15-30% speed), high hp biters and very tough nests (3-40k hp) defended by tough, long range, deadly worms ^_^

And supposed to be used in relatively high numbers (ups may fall)

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

The rempant + rempant fixed AI does wonders in harrasing and manoeuvering around player defenses/"armies" those days.

Makes covering flanks, protecting supply routes, planning fuel/ammo, scouting, going back when it gets dangerous - as real as it can be.

Best gameplay we had in years.

5 months ago

Looking forward for some gameplay footage published on youtube :-)

2 months ago

I just wanted to double check if there are unit options in this pack that are meant to remain viable / valid into later game. My previous run in K2SE I think most units in the AAI: ____ series were badly outranged by midgame or their damage output was not worth fielding them any longer.

2 months ago

If i understud you correctly - yes

With the current numbers, we dived into 80%+ aggro (0.7 speed, 1500-10000 hitpoints biters) - everything mostly happened as supposed.

Requires ammo upgrades and several unit types used together (usual 1-3 + repair)

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