Beacon Rebalance

Beacon rebalance mod that emulates the balance of Space Exploration's beacons, including the overload mechanic. (Now with Krastorio 2 and Bob's/SeaBlock compatibility!)

1 year, 3 months ago

b Non-recoverable error while removing a beacon

2 years ago

I've got the following error when removing a beacon. The beacon was overlapping with another one, overloading one pumpjack.

The mod Beacon Rebalance (1.0.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event wret-beacon-rebalance-mod::on_player_mined_entity (ID 66)
wret-beacon-rebalance-mod/control.lua:60: attempt to get length of field '?' (a number value)
stack traceback:
wret-beacon-rebalance-mod/control.lua:60: in function 'detect_overload'
wret-beacon-rebalance-mod/control.lua:132: in function 'update_beacon_tiles'
wret-beacon-rebalance-mod/control.lua:197: in function <wret-beacon-rebalance-mod/control.lua:193>

Thanks for your work on this mod :)

2 years ago

That's interesting. That value should always be a table, and I certainly have no trouble with pumpjacks and beacons, so I'm not sure what could be going on. Can you send the world file from before the removal of the beacon? (drop box or google drive would work, just throw the link in here) Was Beacon Rebalance added to the world after placing the beacons and pumpjack? Also, is this issue repeatable or was it a one-off kinda thing? If it is repeatable, a video of this happening would also be of great use.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know of this issue.

2 years ago

Here is the link, the save-game and a video of the bug in action.

And to answer your questions:
-Yes the mod was added after placing existing beacons and pumpjack. But only one beacon was bugged.
-Yes the bug is repeatable, removing the beacon seen in video directly trigger the problem. But placing a mk3 beacon aside seem to update the buggy-one, allowing to remove it.

2 years ago

Thanks for the world file, I was able to figure out what was going on. It's now fixed.

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