Wooden Industry

Adds uses for wood like charcoal, resin, and a steel catalyst

3 days ago
Mining Manufacturing Power

g Fulgora fresh start

21 hours ago

Hello, using Wooden Industry will not allow to start in Fulgora afresh if using aai-industry, bztin and default settings.
Somehow Wooden Industry cause glass to be made with 1 tin ore. There is no tin ore at fulgora, so no glass.
No glass - no chemical plant, no chemical plant - no water and no holmium solution and so on.
To remove this softlock i had to disable BZ Tin compatibility setting. Please dont add 1 tin ore to glass recipe with this option.

I also used Wooden Fulgora: Coralmium Agriculture and Wooden Logistics mods, but i had to disable lumber in assembler recipe (cant make assembler 2 to make holmium solution to make lumber). My advice is to replace some carbon from Coralmium to wood, can solve this problem.

19 hours ago

Hiya Indzasa, sorry for the softlock on Fulgora, I'll add a few settings to fix this as I somehow missed tin ore not being acquirable on Fulgora. Unfortunately out right now but I'll get to this in a few hours and make sure other planets are completable from the start with Wooden Universe.

New response