Wind Turbines

by OwnlyMe

Animated wind turbines that turn into wind direction

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Setting for super lightweight mode?

4 years ago

I love the animation. It's a great looking large turbine, and a good job making them spaced out but still buildable underneath. The rotation is really impressive, but also makes it pretty graphically intensive. Also the wind speed logic is something that I'd like to be able to be able to tweak from another mod.

Is there any chance that you'd consider a global variable or mod setting that would allow for an ultra lightweight version that's like ownly_windturbines_low_vram and ownly_windturbines_locked_power, but moreso? I was thinking a setting could prevent creating the 2 on_nth_tick functions in control.lua and make entities.lua only define a single orientation (e.g. just orientation 13 or just 19).

I'd like to have a mod pack include yours as a prerequisite, with wind power as the main low tech power source (no coal). But I'd like to use a different formula for wind speed, and would prefer to sacrifice wind orientation for the sake of performance. A couple of conditional checks in your mod would make it ideal for my purposes.

4 years ago

well it doesn't really hurt performance, just vram .. but i'll try to think of a solution

4 years ago


You may be right about the performance. That's hard to test, since it works perfectly fine on my machine. The concern is that there are people out there who still need low res versions of the very small vanilla sprites. I don't have a good handle on where the threshold is for them, so I may be a little too conservative about it.

My bigger concern is customizing the wind speed loop. I do want it to be random, but I want the randomness on average to work out to higher speeds in the late afternoon, and lowest speeds before dawn. Also to constrain the randomness a bit so it won't randomly be much higher or lower than average for more than a few days in a row. I'm planning to pair it with a compressed air energy storage system, and tweak it so CAES works out better with wind's unpredictability, but accumulators work out better with solar's more consistent pattern.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

the randomization is really slow, even though it updates so often. if you just change it, it won't overwrite yours so quickly..
you could speed up the game and see for yourself
if there wasn't this weird license nonsense because i bought the graphics i wouldn't care if you use my stuff...

4 years ago

Reading the modding wiki, it looks like it's possible to unregister on_nth_tick hooks for a specific tick value, so I could probably selectively unregister just the wind speed calculation and put in my own. That would solve my problem without any need for a setting.

4 years ago

not sure where you read that but i think its impossible to unregister events of a different mod..

4 years ago

Yeah, it looks like it. I was just reading the documentation of on_nth_tick on the wiki. It wasn't very clear that each mod has its own separate instance of the script variable and can't interact with other mods.

4 years ago

You can ask about free sprite sheets on the forum, it's not a huge work.

4 years ago

In the Texture Packs subforum? I hadn't seen that one before, but it could be a good resource. I think I have a path forward with Wind Turbines, using some hackery, but I'm definitely still using some placeholder graphics for other things that I would like to replace eventually.

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