Find the Engineer a bit too boring? Ever wanted to be something else? Look no more, this mod adds a Wickerbeast as selectable character.
The Wickerbeast has naturally a much bigger health pool regenerating at a very slow constant pace. The Wickerbeast also deals a bit more damage, runs slightly slower and mines slower. It is a beast after all.
Stats (Default):
- Health: 500HP (250HP)
- Regen: 1HP/s (9/HP/s)
- Delay: 0s (10s)
- Mining Speed: 0.4 (0.5)
- Movement Speed: 8 tiles (9 tiles)
- Respawn Delay: 15s (10s)
- Damage: 10HP (8HP)
Required to run is the Character Mod Helper.
A soft requirement (and highly recommended if you play Multiplayer) is the miniMAXIme to allow selecting different character models.
Work in Progress
Not Planned
- Any mask
Special Thanks
- Getting the footprints to work.
- Rewriting and updating the mod to work with Factorio 2.0 and Space Age. (Jesus effing christ Thank You very much)