
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

1 year, 7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

g [patch] improve teleporter chest handling

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)


Here's a patch to improve handling of teleporter chests during upgrade and planet gate placement:


The following chest properties are saved and restored:
- chest limit - if defined, kept the same value, else chest has no limit (if you set a limit of eg 5 on a wood chest, and the chest is upgraded to steel chest, the limit is kept to 5; if no limit is set, well, none will be set after upgrade)
- chest requests when the chest is a logistic one - this includes whether the chest uses items from buffer chests or not
- wires between chests and the teleporter, and other entities - the mode is kept for request chests (whether to read content or add request items)
- filter for logistic storage chests

When chests are added (bonus with tri loader or secondary loader/chest), properties of existing chests are also preserved

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Apparent issue: Logistics requests are not kept between teleporter pickup and placement or research.
Chest limits are also not kept.
Wires are also not kept between research upgrades.


3 months ago

Limits and wires are also not kept when the stairs (between floors and surface) are upgraded - a wooden chest with a limit is replaced by an iron chest with no limit, wires between eg stairs and a chest are not keps. The patch applies back the limit when the chests are upgraded and attempts to restore wires.

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