
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

g Contributing?

2 months ago


Thanks for this great mod!

Is there any way to contribute to it? Be it code, translations, things like that?

2 months ago

Of course. You can put these in threads or join the discord: https://discord.gg/a9CNarA

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

The github repo hasn't been updated in years, where can I get the latest source?

My current plans include:
- fixing the "platform teleporter" item's icon, which covers totally assembly/chest pictures
- probably start a French translation => never mind, https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PatchFR does it already

Then I'll see, depending on what you fix/do too :)

New response