Through a few hours of experimentation, I've figured out that the difficulty of this mod drops off a cliff if you build just 2-3 chunks away from the Warp Platform and avoid building on the WP (surface) itself.
How I understand the problem is in three parts:
1) Biter attacks try to target the largest source of pollution (the Warp Platform)
2) The attack pathfinder only looks so far for buildings around the targeted area (buildings not on or immediately next to the WP are missed)
3) If the attack pathfinder can't find buildings, a 5x5 square of chunks around the attack's origin are marked as 'bad attack chunks' (check the debug menu for it) for 10-20 minutes, which prevents any other attack from originating in those chunks while still marked.
Near as I can tell, this means that if you build a few chunks away from the WP (like on a starter ore patch), upwards of 90% of all biter bases will fail to spot your buildings when they first attempt an attack because they're targeting the WP. The few that do spot your buildings only did so out of dumb luck because your building were in the pathfinder's way. The further away from the WP or the more inconvenient of a spot you're in, the less likely that any attacks spot you. If there were a large lake and you built on shore nearer to the WP, I wouldn't doubt that's it's possible to not get attacked at all, even while still firmly inside the pollution cloud.
Note that this isn't biters themselves failing to spot your base, but the attack pathfinder that send the biters in the first place; for failed attacks, biters never even show up to the rally point.
I don't know what can be done to fix this. At the very least, if you could find some way to disable the 'bad attack chunks' system or reduce their time-out significantly, it'd reduce some of the issues, although at the cost of performance.
I'm going to try adding Rampant to see if its AI has more luck at finding buildings away from the WP; if it goes well, I might suggest that you add it as an optional dependency.