
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

1 year, 7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

g Remove ALT mode icons form platform stairs?

1 year, 8 months ago

Any way to remove the icons? Poked around in the settings but cant find it

1 year, 7 months ago

added for 1.3.11

9 months ago

Since the other, more recent thread asking this question was locked, I'll ask here since you gave the same vague response both times basically.

Where is this setting located/what is it called? I just want to find it and disable it myself as well, but I've gone through the mod settings five times just now and still don't see the option.

8 months ago

PyroFire mentions 1.3.11, but the latest published version is 1.3.10, so it's probably not yet released/available...

New response