
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

1 year, 8 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

b Warp pipes not present in deplayed harvesters

2 years ago

So I upgraded to the 1 hour old Warptorio2, and found a bug I think. When I deploy a warp harvester, the warp harvester pipes are not present on the deployed platform. Instead the pipes appear isolated at the surface near the base, probably at the same (x,y) position they were underground.

This is with Warptorio2 Expansion installed, but I assume that this bug is part of the base game.

A save of the game showing the bug is at https://thuejk.dk/antievent.zip

Video of the bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcfbShsIA2E

2 years ago

That's weird. i doubt it was added in the latest version though.

2 years ago

So after some testing, this is a warptorio2 bug, happens without warptorio2 expansion.

After some more testing, this happens on experimental Factorio 1.1.55, and not on stable Factorio 1.1.53. The bug happens both on Warptorio 1.35 and 1.36. (Planetorio crashes on experimental Factorio 1.1.56 for what is probably a separate reason, which I have reported to the Factorio devs separately, but feel free to look into that too.)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Planetorio crash is probably the missing planet template bug https://mods.factorio.com/mod/warptorio2/discussion/62261ca6b671a97f4663da68

Could you link your bug report forum thread here so I can review if it has useful information in it and provide confirmation if it is an issue with base factorio or just the mod?

2 years ago

The 1.1.56 planetorio thing will be fixed in the next release: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/planetorio/discussion/62297cdffcd8be5264cddca3 . Was an issue with base Factorio.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

So I found the bug in the code. In HARV:CheckPointLogistics , it is using .position instead of .deploy_position, even if the harvester is deployed.

The fix is the following code:

if(i==2 and self.deployed)then
       pos = self.deploy_position

The reason why this did not always break the mod is that sometime the pipes succeeds at is_valid(), and the pipes are not rebuild.

CheckPointLogistics also used the same code for the belt position, which was also sometimes misplaced.

2 years ago

I'm also having this issue, but it's happening to me on 1.1.53. Is there a way to implement the code you've provided locally, thuejk?

2 years ago

Yes. just unpack the mod in the mod directory, and Factorio will still run it.

The edit it to replace line 221 with the code I posted. https://github.com/PyroFire232/warptorio2/blob/master/control_class_harvester.lua#L221

2 years ago

Thank you very much! :)

2 years ago

@pyrofire - is it possible to update the mod?
Playing multiplayer is a problem despite manual script update

2 years ago

It is usually unwise to manually change the mod because it can lead to save corruption and mod version conflicts, even for small changes.
Steps to reproduce this issue were reported in another thread: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/warptorio2/discussion/62336b0ed2d76103fd8ba4cf
Namely, deploy a harvester and then get a logistics upgrade which adds or changes the belt. This sets up a glitched state for the harvesters which is seemingly never corrected.
It does indeed seem to be coming from the wrong position being used in https://github.com/PyroFire232/warptorio2/blob/master/control_class_harvester.lua#L221 like suggested.

2 years ago

If it was fixed, then not much, still getting this issue, pipes spawning near base in fixed position when placing harvesters (both).

2 years ago

Same here. I started 2 fresh games of warptorio without additional mod. In these 2 games, I have the issue of pipes of harvester platform not being placed with the mobile platform but being placed at the x and y position above the underground initial position of the platform.

2 years ago

I continued the game and reached the second loader on the harvester platforms, and this second loader has the same bug as the 2 pipes.
This was done with the last version 1.3.8 of warptorio.
Luckily, I had the version 1.3.5 installed from previous game of warptorio. The mod manager let me use this old version, I did it with my actual save game (by-passing the warning of old mod) and everything is working correctly now.
So, the bug may appear between 1.3.6 and 1.3.8, and, by reading the changelog, I am quite sure that this bug came with the 1.3.6 version.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

fix as of 1.3.9

New response