
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

i My Playthrough

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Let me start out by saying, thanks for making this mod. I think it is awesome, and a hidden gem.
I think the improvements over Warptorio 1 (which was obviously awesome in the first place because of the initial concept) are generally great, well thought-out and implemented.
I'm surprised more people haven't tried it as I've had a lot of fun with it.

I added a bunch of other mods to my playthrough, to improve the experience. Shoutout to Klonan's construction drones to avoid most of the setup/tear down leg work and make this mod playable in singleplayer. Also deadlocks loaders & beltboxes for providing some interesting logistic solutions for increasing throughput between the different floors.

I thought I could contribute back by providing a "little" feedback on what I think could improve this mod.
I'm happy to try to submit a PR for the ones that sound good. I've numbered them for ease of reference.

Several of my suggestions are regarding how to increase longevity of a playthrough since I found the number of planets can become repetitive (even with the add-on planet packs). Some of the suggestions might be in the mod already and I'm just not very observant :p I only ran into 1 minor bug so that is really impressive considering the mod complexity.

In no particular order:
1. Vary the time of day on warp-in, and the duration of the day/night/dusk/morning. Something like what clockwork mod does. This would make the planets (even the same ones) feel more distinct from each other, "real" planets wouldn't be all at the same time of day or length of day. Could be fun when combined with nightfall/rampant mods so biters are more aggressive at night. I know rampant is listed as incompatible... Perhaps nightfall could work at least.
2. Rather have passive provide chests than active provider chests for the last logistic upgrade. I upgraded platform logistics and my bot network storage fell over because my bots were moving all the items out of the active chests into storage chests. I think passive provider makes more sense. Would also be nice to document in the research levels exactly what kind of chest and belt you'd be getting with each level. There's a bit of guesswork needed before you get there which is a little annoying.
3. Amount of energy stored in the platform seemed high, I never ran into the limit / cared about it as part of the gameplay. I had relatively full floors as well. Maybe I was running low on energy at some point but this wasn't obvious to me except perhaps for using the planet teleporter for the first time with no upgrades.
4. Respect stone/concrete/brick placed on the platform. Warping out loses any placed concrete. I wanna tile it and make it pretty :)
5. I played with Alien Biomes and Hot/Cold planets. I feel like there wasn't a lot of planet variety and that more could be done with AB. Too many planets were "vanilla" style. Maybe an AB planet pack with increased probabilities would be cool. Doesn't need to have special biters or features, just a different landscape / environment to keep things more interesting. I saw the pack by MFerrari (and have played with the missions mod as well) but man oh man were those planets tough. Would be great to have something balanced closer to where Warptorio is.
6. Warp stabiliser seems a bit OP once you have it. I think it should be nerfed. Adding levels might help, so you can only use it once per planet at first, and then research is needed to allow more uses. It basically means you can camp on a planet quite early on, and just reset the biters so you don't need to rebuild. Suddenly a big chunk of gameplay is gone - caring about when to warp. A lot of the fun I had was with the smaller platforms and more pressure on warping / not warping.
7. Allow Warp stabiliser and warp accelerator to be triggerable via circuits. Would be fun to automate these somehow.
8. Small Bug- At some point I landed on a rich planet and the flavor text I got was "A rich planet description" Could have been from one of the planet pack mods
9. A couple more screenshots on the mod page could help. Maybe one of biters attacking at dusk so it looks cool and one of the harvester floor. First screenshot is pretty random (one of the castle turrets in a lake somewhere), using one of the planet floor ones would be better I think.
10. Make it clearer in the description that biters and evolution get reset every warp. As a player who doesn't like biters much I was quite intimidated by this mod at first glance. It wasn't clear that evolution gets reset every warp, which made it seem like this mod would be impossible to play if evolution just kept accumulating. I had to actually try it to understand what warping does. Now I can happily watch thousands of biters crash against my defences... and remember the old days where I had like one boiler and a turrent on my warp platform and barely surviving... very satisfying lol.
11. Make it clearer that the countdown timer doesn't increase with every warp but rather it increases with research. Same as #10, I thought it was quite intimidating that the game would keep me stuck on a planet for longer and longer if I wasn't ready, but actually the warp timer is controlled by research which is a lot more manageable.
12. For singleplayer, I must say this mod would be close to impossible to play without Klonan's drones. Strongly suggest adding them to the "Quality of Life" section or to have a separate section in the mod description for Singleplayer suggestions. Repeatedly building and ripping up mines is tedious when the warp timer is short, and biters are pretty rough as well. Having the drones makes it an absolute blast to throw out some blueprints and manage the timer long before harvesters are available. The drones are limited and locked behind research so when biters killed off some of mine I was properly stressed trying to prioritise drone research so I could keep playing the next few warps and build up to 10 drones again. It was great fun. One "balance" rule though, in multiplayer if you die you respawn with 10 new drones which means after looting your corpse you can end up with too many. Not an issue with warptorio tho, more of a balance issue with the drones mod.
13. Flavor text gets a bit lost, it is hard to read the text sometimes because they are quite long. Description of planet / story text. They disappear to quickly. It might be better to make them pop up in yellow like the first message in freeplay. So the game is paused and the message can easily be read by the player - better contrast and no time limit. Or have them in a log/GUI somewhere so I can read them if I miss them. The story texts were fun to read even though its just a little text it does add some flavor :)
14. Vary planet's description. Perhaps give the impression of variety by allowing a random selection of descriptions for a planet
15. Vary the humidity of planets to give more illusion of variety. In the midgame especially it felt like I was just getting the same old "this place feels like home" planet again and again
16. Add EvoGUI to QoL mod list on the mod page. It's fun to see your killcount and useful to see the Evo level.
17. The mixed ores planet is awesome, but appears too rarely for it to be worth developing an omnisorter for. I did it anyway, but it would be cool if all planets could have some probability of having mixed ores and the player can set that up at game start. Like configurable 30% of the time after warp 10 or something.
18. Ability to tweak planet zones in the mod settings (not just probability). So you can enable planets to appear earlier / later than desired.
19. Loot boxes were hard to find, I think I found 1? and it was near my end game so kind of useless at that point. Maybe make them spawn closer for zone < 10 (and maybe a couple on a Rest planet to make them a little interesting). More incentive to explore.
20. A planet using the Ruins mod could be cool. Maybe something to add in the extra planets mod pack. I should actually test if the Ruins mod works with Warptorio. It might give some incentive for exploration in the early/mid game...

So yea... quite a list of feedback but I really enjoyed my time with this mod and wanted to say thanks, and to help make it even better. It is a hidden gem I think more people should try.

Let me know if any of these seem worthwhile to add and maybe I can help with a PR or two as well.
Lua seems fun to dabble with :)

Edit: Forgot to mention I was gonna do a shoutout to this mod on reddit someday soon and upload some base screenshots. I don't mind if you want to add them to the mod page (or not).

Edit2: One last thing. It would be really great to add a simple difficulty guide on the modpage, just highlighting some of the major elements in difficulty so players know what to tweak from all of the settings. I had to disable the "warp malfunction" thing as it was annoying me and just too hard to scramble in singleplayer. Not sure if that was added in this mod or in another game I played which had MFerrari's missions enabled.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


4 years ago

I liked this write-up and am going to add some of the other mods you suggested

4 years ago

Hey thanks for the feedback.

I had some spare time to respond to this.

  1. Random daytime on warpin: Could be feasible. Maybe. Some planets already start off as night time though.
  2. There's already an option to change the logistic chest used, you need to rotate the loaders afterwards to swap them.
  3. Energy flow is a pretty boring mechanic to play with, so it's balanced so that you practically don't have to worry about it all that much. If you need more, 1 upgrade of teleporter energy is generally enough.
  4. Technical limitations. I'd prefer you not placing tiles over the warp tiles AT ALL, but i haven't done the placement conditions to stop it.
  5. I'm more concerned about the engine that drives the planet generator rather than the planets themselves. Planet balance can be looked into if i ever get around to adding more features to planetorio.
  6. I believe the stabilizer ability has been changed since this feedback was written. They're a bit better balanced, though now the accelerator is practically worthless.
  7. Nope. There's a button on your hud to toggle them. Abilities are better micro managed.
  8. The text is a placeholder.
  9. Something to think about i suppose. The main photo is pretty photogenic and i really liked how it looked, so it makes a good depiction of the mod.
  10. I can add this to the FAQ
  11. But the manual warp timer does in fact increase after each warp. The autowarp timer doesn't. They are 2 different timers representing different things. One is an automatic warp which you can't turn off until later in the game, and the other is the manual timer which you have to wait till it counts down to warp.
  12. I beat this mod in singleplayer no problem. Brutal difficulty is only difficulty. Have a look at the strategy guide at the bottom of the FAQ.
  13. Press the chat key to read chat history. Some planet descriptions are missing.
  14. I want players to be able to discern which planet they're on from the description. It's an indirect description of the name. Adding randomness will take that feeling away... And i mean some planets already don't have a description at all, so that's a higher priority.
  15. Humidity?
  16. I'd prefer warptorio working best on it's own, so this can perhaps be something added to the base mod.
  17. I'm not sure what you mean, but i think you're talking about having ores that overlap each other. There's no simple way to do this. And planetorio handles everything map generation anyway so this is more for that library mod.
  18. 2 settings per planet can add up to quite a lot. I don't think zones are really neccessary, but maybe something to think about in future.
  19. They're just there for fun. In my own testing i didn't have much of an issue finding them. They appear as little blue dots on the map you almost can't miss them.
  20. This would be a planet, and is already noted on planetorio as something that could eventually be turned into a planet.
3 years ago

There's already an option to change the logistic chest used, you need to rotate the loaders afterwards to swap them.

Passive provider should clearly be the default. Having active provider as the default is silly.

Sane defaults matter.

New response