Hello. Me again with another suggestion/food for thought. As it stands, the jungle world is immensely overpowered for us as players. During our time playing together in the weekends we were lucky enough to get a jungle world on our third day. We were technologically advanced enough at the time to deal with a few behemoth biters here or there.
The issue is that the massive amount of trees prevent enemy bases from spawning. We were there for half an hour and were like "huh, still almost no biters, lets stay a bit longer." Our previous record was 36 minutes. Now, we are on this planet for many hours (900 minutes and counting, and at this point, too overpowered for anything to touch us) and we still do not want to leave. We researched the warp stabilization after the first few hours on the planet but then we figured out we didn't really need it in the first place while we're staying here.
So I did some single player testing in Sandbox mode and set all biter settings to the extreme (Base sizes, expansion rate, small start area etc) and upon loading the game I turned on all technologies, went to a jungle planet, and still noticed that there was SO LITTLE bases. The other planets are like cranked up death worlds but jungle is just too extremely good. Try for yourself.
So I suggest something like reducing tree spawns on Jungle and perhaps reduce the exponent of pollution generation while we're on a jungle planet to "simulate" having little pollution. Or something to that effect. That way there's enough room for biter bases to actually spawn.
Unless you intended for Jungle worlds to be immensely overpowered for us. In that case, discard my message.
Edit: my bad, 1400 minutes now.