
Factorio but you build your factory in a restricted space that teleports yourself, the platform, and everything on it to a new and uncharted planet in an unknown corner of space, time and the universe while constantly under attack from enemies. This mod increases the difficulty of factorio by making construction harder and making biters a more significant threat, resulting in a unique experience of factorio'ing in a tight space and under pressure, almost like a tower defence game.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Combat Environment

i Jungle planet overpowered.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hello. Me again with another suggestion/food for thought. As it stands, the jungle world is immensely overpowered for us as players. During our time playing together in the weekends we were lucky enough to get a jungle world on our third day. We were technologically advanced enough at the time to deal with a few behemoth biters here or there.

The issue is that the massive amount of trees prevent enemy bases from spawning. We were there for half an hour and were like "huh, still almost no biters, lets stay a bit longer." Our previous record was 36 minutes. Now, we are on this planet for many hours (900 minutes and counting, and at this point, too overpowered for anything to touch us) and we still do not want to leave. We researched the warp stabilization after the first few hours on the planet but then we figured out we didn't really need it in the first place while we're staying here.

So I did some single player testing in Sandbox mode and set all biter settings to the extreme (Base sizes, expansion rate, small start area etc) and upon loading the game I turned on all technologies, went to a jungle planet, and still noticed that there was SO LITTLE bases. The other planets are like cranked up death worlds but jungle is just too extremely good. Try for yourself.

So I suggest something like reducing tree spawns on Jungle and perhaps reduce the exponent of pollution generation while we're on a jungle planet to "simulate" having little pollution. Or something to that effect. That way there's enough room for biter bases to actually spawn.

Unless you intended for Jungle worlds to be immensely overpowered for us. In that case, discard my message.

Edit: my bad, 1400 minutes now.

5 years ago

This is our current game, loading in single player and using an area scan command of 2048/2048

Do you see the red dots on the corners? about 90-98% of those are worms. maybe more than that. That means that even with hours worth of pollution, you get so few attacks from enemies, that are also very tiny. The multiplayer version (The screenshot that you see here) are with the default biter and warptorio 2 settings. But with the maximum biter base sizes etc. you get perhaps double this at best.

Again if this is intended by you, disregard my message.

5 years ago

Not intended.
I think it's about time you moved on from that jungle planet, as this is technically an exploit.
But really if you want to stay there i can't stop you so, it's up to you how you want to play that one.
Maybe make it your homeworld, perhaps.

5 years ago

The playthrough is a team effort (Only load in single player to test and such) so unless an admin demands it, I think there will be an overwhelming vote for "lets stay". I'll let the admin that plays it know that it is unintended and then have him make the call on whether we stay or move. I'm also in a discussion on their discord regarding future playthroughs of Warptorio2 (It seems to be a really big success, mostly thanks to you, relative to other event mods we use in weekends)

Do you have any thoughts on how to fix the problem? Because Jungle always seems very easy as long as you can hold off just a behemoth or 3 every 2 minutes. And we can't force turn it off for the next playthrough either. We can set the chance to 0 but after enough research people can just use the 30% chance to go there (And we don't want to set it to 0% either as it's a neat feature).

5 years ago

It requires changing autoplacements, noise expressions etc, basically tweaking the jungle generation settings so it spawns at a reasonable balance.
I don't anticipate such changes being made (or any major changes) until the planetorio update is ready.

4 years ago

I've made tweaks to the jungle planet as of recent updates, is this still an issue?

4 years ago

Hey PyroFire, I haven't given it a shot yet. Just recently got back to my own humble abode and will have some time soon after I settle in a bit. I'll see if I can hype up the same discord community I ran this 5 months ago to do a warptorio event again as it was wildly successful. Since that community does the events on weekends we might not have enough time to notify the usual event people before it starts. I'll keep you posted.

4 years ago

Alright so, we played on and off this weekend (it's still running and we might run it through the week depending on demand), aside from a few severe crashes (one of which I listed in someone else's thread, one was related to the turret shields mod so I'm not sure if I should even mention that here), we had a ton of fun just like 5 months ago.

As for the Forest world, we encountered it literally one time out of... 30 or so warps. We were in relatively early game; no blue science. We felt like we could hold on longer on this world than any world we encountered before (aside from the world with no enemies/resources) but we definitely still felt forced to warp away at a certain point as waves of blue biters/spitters were too much to handle.

However, one encounter makes a very poor sample size, and it was early game too, so I cannot say with confidence if it's holdable indefinitely once we're getting decent tech levels; but it seems much more balanced so far. So preliminary report would say it's holding up quite nicely.

We do consider the "we're giants to this planet" one of the weakest planets to land on, we abhor it so much that we unanimously just warp away as soon as we can and pray we don't get it again for more wasted time. Anything else so far is a lot better. About 1/3rd planets so far we've had the "giants" one so we've been quite unlucky with the draw.

New response