Cannon Turret

by VortiK

Adds a cannon mounted turret and specific cannon shell magazine ammunition that behave like the tank shells without friendly fire colliding. Bonus setting use vanilla cannon shells and to make custom ammo explosions not do friendly damage.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Have you abandoned your plans for Military train wagon with cannon turrets and machine guns yet?

3 years ago

Good afternoon! You wrote that you want to make a Military train wagon with cannon turrets and machine guns, and you mentioned the mod

The Armored-train is no longer maintained and is essentially dead, as its trains cannot be loaded with ammo.

The author of the mod has blocked discussions and it is not possible to contact him.

Have you abandoned your plans for Military train wagon with cannon turrets and machine guns yet?


3 months ago

Hello, yeah I think there are better mod for that now

3 months ago

This is an old comment. Back then the armored train was completely buggy...

Many bugs have been fixed now, but it still doesn't look very good.

I once worked on the animation of a machine gun turret based on an artillery wagon. version 0.0.0

But I couldn't bring it to perfection. ... It looked cool...

Here are the pictures:

If this concept were implemented according to the "Armored Train" principle, it would be even cooler than it is now!!!

3 months ago

By the way, here is an example of a close implementation:

3 months ago

I can also remove the shells from the artillery wagon.:

Of course, this will take time. But for the sake of the cause, I am ready to sacrifice it...

3 months ago

Very interesting thank you for sharing this. I tried to start from the artillery wagon myself too a long time ago :) I'll take a look if I can brew something.

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