Cannon Turret

by VortiK

Adds a cannon mounted turret and specific cannon shell magazine ammunition that behave like the tank shells without friendly fire colliding. Bonus setting use vanilla cannon shells and to make custom ammo explosions not do friendly damage.

5 days ago
0.15 - 2.0


Version: 2.3.0
Date: 21.12.2024
    - Heavy Cannon Turret is now a 3x3 entity from 2x2.
    - Heavy Cannon Turret shooting sound twice louder. It's Heavy afterall.
Version: 2.2.1
Date: 21.12.2024
    - Fixed missing Cannon Shell Magazine ammo damage and shooting speed bonus following refactor (still the same as normal Cannon Shell bonus).
Version: 2.2.0
Date: 21.12.2024
    - Made ammo magazine not recyclable (recycle into themselves).
    - Removed dependancies of mods not existing in 2.0.0 (Krastorio).
    - Fixed Space-Age support instead of Quality for turrets heat consumption.
    - Added setting for turrets to have both cannon shells and magazine ammo (by default magazine only, can be shells only or both).
    - Refactor code to copy base Cannon Shell Projectiles and overload firendly fire behavior (improve vanilla compatibility and reduce code maintenance).
    - Added setting to use old Cannon Magazine Ammo Icons (by default use new icons).
    - Changed wall explosion resistance, tech removed, now explosion firendly fire is a setting (disabled by default) and affects all entites (much more simple to maintain and no game performance impact).
    - Refactor setting application on mod init and configuration change, should handle properly all cases of adding a mod in a current game and changing settings.
    - WIP Heavy turret changed from 2x2 to 3x3 ?
Version: 2.1.0
Date: 16.12.2024
    - Major contribution by snouz thanks a lot!
    - Turrets accept normal cannon ammo too, but they hit buildings.
    - New tech for heavy cannon.
    - Made techs more expensive for progression.
    - Simplified descriptions.
    - Icons/thumbnail/techs reworked.
    - Upscaled small turret to scale 0.5, separated shadow, adjusted position, ammo icon scaled.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 09.12.2024
    - Updated for Factorio 2.0 and Space Age.
    - Refactored Cannon Turret base graphics and mask so it render properly (no visible change in game).
    - Reduced Cannon Shell Magazine stack size from 200 to 20, still twice the stack of normal cannon shells per ammo which stacks to 100 but a magazine is 10 shells.
    - Updated all magazine projectile damage to be inline with buffed cannon shells from Factorio 2.0.
    - Added sounds for items inventory move and turret open & close like in the base game's turrets now.
    - Added weights to turrets and ammo.
    - Target priority feature works.
    - Added heat consumption if you want to build cannon turrets on Aquilo them for some reason.
    - Quality applies itself properly increasing range and health of turret and damage of ammo.
    - Space Age Asteroïds are not hittable by cannon ammo projectile for now (even vanilla ones). Maybe I'll find a way to enable it.
Version: 1.12.1
Date: 15.01.2022
    - Fixed crash with Krastorio 2 + Space Exploration because of non existing physical-projectile-damage-16 technology.
    - Fixed missing physical-projectile-damage-7 to 11 technology addition of Cannon Shell's Magazine damage in Krastorio 2 + Space Exploration.
    - Added optional dependency to Space Exploration.
Version: 1.12.0
Date: 28.11.2020
    - Update compatibility with Factorio 1.1.
    - Fixes the turrets > gun-turret, stone-walls > stone-wall and tanks > tank change.
    - Minor locale adjustements.
Version: 1.11.0
Date: 21. 04. 2020
    - Added compatibility to Krastorio 2, cannon shell magazine now properly get research bonuses from Krastorio shooting damange and speed.
    - New thumbnail !
Version: 1.10.0
Date: 21. 04. 2020
    - Super improved graphics kindly provided by JavitoVk !
    - Upscaled turret and heavy turret.
    - Proper shadow and mask for heavy turret.
    - Much nicer ammo magazine icons.
    - ES locale also provided by JavitoVk.
Version: 1.9.2
Date: 06. 02. 2020
    - Added an entity type filter for wall and gate on the on_entity_damaged event to significantly reduces the mod ups footprint (wall explosion resistance bonus feature).
Version: 1.9.1
Date: 02. 02. 2020
    - Fixed mod size.
Version: 1.9.0
Date: 30. 01. 2020
    - Upgraded to 0.18 compatibility.
Version: 1.8.0
Date: 17. 10. 2019
    - Increased cannon shells projectile collision box to increase their collisions chance with biters. There's still a small deviation so there can still be missed shots but projectiles should more reliably explode in grouped ennemeis.
    - Shells are now drawn on map.
Version: 1.7.0
Date: 07. 08. 2019
    - Increased cannon turret steel cost from 2 to 30 to account for their high HP.
    - Added heavy autocannon turret, expansive, less range, limited firing arc (2/5° = a bit more than the 1/3 of the flammer turret) but double the rate of fire ! Ideal for concentrating more firepower in less space.
Version: 1.6.0
Date: 07. 08. 2019
    - Fixed and improved technologies textes.
    - Wall explosion resitance down to 90% from 95%.
    - Added explosion resistance bonus to all wall and gate entity type making all modded walls and gates supported.
    - Adjustement to projectile_creation_distance from 1.75 to 2 that should prevent sometimes the cannon turret shooting itself under specific angles when some mods add a shield to the turret (ex :
Version: 1.5.2
Date: 06. 04. 2019
    - Fixed changelog not being shown ingame, thanks Pi-C and its science : .
Version: 1.5.1
Date: 15. 03. 2019
    - Added turret inventory open and close sounds.
Version: 1.5.0
Date: 02. 03. 2019
    - Updated for 0.17.
    - Added mod thumbnail.
    - Removed items' quickbar behavior as quickbar doesn't exist anymore.
    - Updated science pack to new names for technologies.
    - Updated Cannon Shells Magazine ammo's bonus to new military technologies (updated to still be the same bonuses as normal cannon shells).
    - Reduced wall and gate explosion immunity from 100% to 95%.
    - Thanks to Klonan, Cannon shells are now back to normal shells' behavior: shooting to a direction and will collide but only with enemies, no more friendly fire! (previously normal shells would home in entity and explosive shells would target position).
    - Renamed mod with my name to find them all more easily.
Version: 1.4.1
Date: 03. 04. 2018
    - Added gate to explosion immunity research.
Version: 1.4.0
Date: 19. 03. 2018
    - Added a new technology to make walls immune to explosions' damage type to better work with cannon turrets.
Version: 1.3.1
Date: 21. 01. 2018
    - Minor internal fix of migration files.
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 06. 01. 2018
    - Boom. Custom shooting sound added :
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 13. 12. 2017
    - Fixed crash because of missing icon_size on some entity that is now required.
    - Fixed crash because of changed projectile ammo action property from "perimeter" to "radius" for explosion range.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 13. 12. 2017
    - Updated for Factorio 0.16
    - Lightened the mod size by 90% by removing media source file
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 07. 08. 2017
    - Fixed unlocks on existing saves that already researched techs which this mod plugs into. Namely Uranium Shells Magazine unlock and Shells' damage and Shooting speed bonus are now properly applied on existing games.
    - Fixed Cannon Shells Magazine ammo's item ordering to be properly after each of its own normal shell instead of mixed around.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 11. 06. 2017
    - Reworked ammo
    - Cannon turrets don't use tank shells anymore.
    - Special "magazine" shell ammo built from normal shells. Same stats as tank shells, benefits from shells upgrades (shooting speed and damage).
    - Magazine ammo doesn't collide, normal shells' magazines are homing (good against single target), explosive shells' magazines target position (good against groups).
    - Tank shells back to vanilla projectile behaviour.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 11. 06. 2017
    - Initial release