Cannon Turret

by VortiK

Adds a cannon mounted turret and specific cannon shell magazine ammunition that behave like the tank shells without friendly fire colliding. Bonus setting use vanilla cannon shells and to make custom ammo explosions not do friendly damage.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

b Turret shells exploding on Turret position

4 years ago

Hey VortiK!
I've encountered a problem very recently after employing your turrets to defend my base.
It seems that the cannon turrets seem to hit themselves sometimes when shooting and sometimes they dont.
I could not reliable reproduce this problem every time since i dont seem to be able to pinpoint the cause of this.
If you have any idea i'd be very happy since i really like the idea and your mod itself.

4 years ago

It seems that this problem mainly occurs when the turrets are shooting southwards.

4 years ago


This seems to be similar to this report where I made some changes to improve it.

I'll take a look and see if I can fix it more, thanks for your feedback !

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I see, that could be the problem. ill try disabling turret shields and will look if i can reproduce the problem. thanks for the quick answer!

Edit: It seems that the problem really stems from turret shields, ill disable it for now since i really dont want to miss out on your great turrets :D

New response