Cannon Turret

by VortiK

Adds a cannon mounted turret and specific cannon shell magazine ammunition that behave like the tank shells without friendly fire colliding. Bonus technology to make all walls and gates resistant to explosions to better works with the cannon turret.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Cannon turret on train ?

6 years ago

Do you plan to install this canon turret on a train ? :D (will be perfect to protect the artillery just in case)

6 years ago


You know I had this idea actually, but I have no clue on how to do it yet, will have to tinker about it but no promises :)

6 years ago

Vortik, you might try adapting some of the mod that adds turrets to vehicles, or referencing some of the code at least, I am learning lua for funsies, so I might try tackling it myself.
I think roughly what it does is get the vehicle's position and updates the position of the turrets that are attached, but I could be mistaken

6 years ago

Yeah checked how that mod does it and it's exaclty that, it teleports turrets around to keep them with the vehicule. It works fine for a car or tank but would probably be way too heavy regarding performance on trains.

Still studiying how to best do this feature :)

4 years ago

Perhaps take a look at this mod and just add a car that's compatible or talk with the mod author about adding support?

New response