Vanilla Galore Continued

Adds over 110 unique and balanced alternate recipes to VANILLA!

3 hours ago
Fluids Manufacturing

g [ASSESSED] Compatibility with Exotic Space Industries?

a day ago

Exotic Space Industries changes the science packs, but the alternate recipes of this mod still output the vanilla science packs that can't be used, though the only example I saw was the Stone Wall + Stone Furnace = Red Science recipe.

a day ago


16 hours ago

Because Exotic Space Industries drastically alters science packs, my science recipes would become extremely unbalanced. Additionally, I'm unsure how to remap the science results - Automation science packs could become Dark Age tech packs, but for Logistic science packs I have no idea. Steam Age tech packs wouldn't work since most alternative logistic recipes require electrical components etc.

I highly recommend disabling all science recipes in the settings, as well as the oil processing recipes. But thanks for the suggestion nevertheless :)

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