Vanilla Galore Continued

Adds over 110 unique and balanced alternate recipes to VANILLA!

3 hours ago
Fluids Manufacturing

g [ADDED] translation

3 days ago

Is it possible to translate "Galore Tech Node:" into a localization key, otherwise it creates difficulties in translation.
For example: Galore Tech Node: Электрическая печь (Недоступно)

tech.localised_name = { "?",
{ "", "Galore Tech Node: ", { "recipe-name." .. } },
{ "", "Galore Tech Node: ", vgal.locale.get_lazy(entry.main_product) },

3 days ago

Sure, will be implemented in the next update. (Localised as "")

And thanks for the suggestion/translation! I'll put a link on the homepages of both galores.

New response