Vanilla Galore Continued

Adds over 110 unique and balanced alternate recipes to VANILLA!

3 hours ago
Fluids Manufacturing

i [FUTURE] Minor Patch for AAI

a month ago

I've looked over the some of the recipes between the two mods and I've noticed some changes should be included if possible.

Alt roboports and substation should have some amount of concrete (AAI roboport has 50, AAI substation has 5).

Concrete needs a rebalance.

Alt solar panels and labs should use some glass (AAI makes both use five glass).

All recipes that use the electric engine unit need a review due to that product being reworked in AAI.

Engine units may need a icon rework as AAI changes the icon of the engine unit (now called multi-cylinder engine) also all Alts may need to be reworked as well.

On a final note I don't mind the fact that the alternatives don't use their burner counter parts, personally I think it's a bit silly having to make burner assemblers to make normal assemblers.

a month ago

I missed the gun turret and flame thrower, both have had their recipes changed as well messing with the alternatives for black science.

The gun turret is made with all iron with AAI installed, the copper has been replaced with 5 single-cylinder engines (1 gear, 1 iron plate) making the gun turret cost 55 iron plates to make.

The flame thrower turret is slightly more expensive given AAI's multi-cylinder engine but I don't think the change is as dramatic as the gun turret change.

a month ago

AAI is planned to be covered in another 'Galore'-entry (with some other mods). Until then, direct support is not planned. (Unlike with "Demolisher Scales"/"Maraxsis" I can't write an all-purpose script for support. In order to not give myself too much work, I will not support mods for which I need to actively recalculate every recipe that uses an item of which the complexity has been altered. Not to mention, I will need to keep up with that when I add new ones.)

Sorry but still thanks for the suggestion! (´∀`)b

2 days ago

So I've been playing with both mods at this point for over 48 hours and this point and honestly the two mods are far more compatible than I first assumed.

Th alterative burner inserter recipe is actually really good, love the alterative to the assembling machine 1.
If you do make a AAI patch of some kind all that needs changing are the buildings to make them a line more with AAI.

New response