Universal Turret

by OwnlyMe

A turret that can use any kind of ammo

4 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g incompatible ammo

6 days ago
(updated 6 days ago)
 178.893 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2095: Saving finished
 387.832 Error MainLoop.cpp:1435: Exception at tick 8444739: Le mod Universal Turret (2.0.8) a engendré une erreur non récupérable.
Merci d'informer l'auteur de cette erreur.

Error while running event uniturret::on_tick (ID 0)
Unknown entity name: uniturret-railgun
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'create_entity'
    __uniturret__/control.lua:453: in function <__uniturret__/control.lua:411>


railgun ammo, should :
- only accept one round of ammunition
- exploded on the first shot because the turret isn't designed for it

6 days ago
  • Forst capsule, from frost biter don't have recipe.
  • No recipe for culster grenade ?
  • Max range with flame or rocket it's 45, maybe too much ?
  • how to turn safe ammo intro normal ammo ?
6 days ago

Wasn't there a default button to ‘lock’ a turret? And that it doesn't accept anything other than the type of ammunition locked?

6 days ago

yeah its the rotating keybind

6 days ago

and for the error and request ? what do you think about ?

5 days ago

no clue why you had that railgun error, are you using any railgun mods instead of the space age version?
also i dont see why railgun ammo should be different than in space, except that it has no friendly fire
otherwise i think i addressed most of your points... took almost 2 hours to make this update

5 days ago
  • rail gun ammo from space age, i think no modification
  • rail gun with uniturret it's very powerfull
5 days ago

if it crashed, did you even test it?

5 days ago
(updated 5 days ago)

i think it's now on the level of a gun turret with uranium ammo, maybe slightly above depending on how the shots land
you can tune it in data.lua line 581:
turrets[5].attack_parameters.damage_modifier = 0.1
if you wanna test a bit and let me know what you find balanced.
0.05 is certainly too low imo

4 days ago

I compared the basic damage of the “spage age” railgun and deducted the sum with your mods, the game crashes as soon as you load a railgun ammunition.

I probably won't have a chance to test it this week, as I have a lot of work to do before Christmas.
I'll let you know if I have time, thanks for your reply.

New response