Underground Storage Tank

by fgardt

Adds a large buried storage tank with a capacity of 250k (configurable). Since they are mostly underground you can easily walk / drive over them. Additionally you can select if you want the more vanilla looking opaque top with fill indicator, completely closed top or a transparent one with custom internal fluid animation by changing a startup setting.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Fluids

b [DONE] 2.0 porting error

3 months ago

Thanks for updating this mod, it's fantastic!
I encountered a small crash during the usage though - I only put two of them down, connected some pipes, and after a while the following:

The mod Underground Storage Tank (3.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event underground-storage-tank::on_nth_tick(1800)
underground-storage-tank/control.lua:128: attempt to index global 'global' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
underground-storage-tank/control.lua:128: in function 'update_timings'
underground-storage-tank/control.lua:155: in function <underground-storage-tank/control.lua:153>

This happens even if I reload the last autosave and pick them up. It crashes on its own regardless.

3 months ago

ah shoot, I forgot that part when porting to 2.0. Thanks a lot for reporting. Fixed with next release.

New response