Underground Storage Tank

by fgardt

Adds a large buried storage tank with a capacity of 250k (configurable). Since they are mostly underground you can easily walk / drive over them. Additionally you can select if you want the more vanilla looking opaque top with fill indicator, completely closed top or a transparent one with custom internal fluid animation by changing a startup setting.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Fluids

b [DONE] Capacity setting

1 year, 1 month ago

Hi, small question, by accident I put capacity to 2.500.000 instead of 250.000 and noticed that if will fill up to 449k, I presume it stopped at 449 999.
Is there a limit.

1 year, 1 month ago

Bump. I have same question ... I cannot get more than 499k into the tank.

11 months ago

So its the depth of the fluidbox, and how it interacts with the factorio fluid mechanics. My feeling/understanding is that you can't overcome the shallowness of the tank with the pressure, so if you put the tank "deeper" it increases how much can go in the tank before pressure stops it. In practical terms, if you change the base_level of the fluid_box of the storage tank entity to a lower number (-100 or whatever), it takes more fluid. I don't really know the exact details of the pressure changes as I'm not a factorio modder and haven't done extensive testing.

11 months ago

hmm it could certainly be some problem in regards to the internal fill level of the connected fluidboxes

11 months ago

I now have the full 1M fluid. Thank you!
I edited prototypes/tank.lua as dtp11 suggested, then saved the modified zip file.
fluid_box = {
base_area = base_area,
base_level = -100,

11 months ago

This has been properly fixed with version 2.0.0, thanks again for reporting :)

note: the settings got renamed internally so make sure to recheck them after updating to get the values you want!

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