Underground Storage Tank

by fgardt

Adds a large buried storage tank with a capacity of 250k (configurable). Since they are mostly underground you can easily walk / drive over them. Additionally you can select if you want the more vanilla looking opaque top with fill indicator, completely closed top or a transparent one with custom internal fluid animation by changing a startup setting.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Fluids

g [REJECTED] More Connectors

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

Thoughts on having more connector spots vs just the corners?
It is nice to store a bunch in 1 spot but being limited by the 100 pipe flow (x4 in x4 out) is proving to be an issue (for me at least lol)

for warehouses for example, can easily pick any spot and do like, max in an max out (if its 6x6 can do 12 in 12 out type of thing if that makes sense)

1 year, 5 months ago

I don't really want to add more connection spots than how it is now. It would cause even more graphical issues when you walk/drive over the tanks than right now.

If you really do have throughput issues I'd suggest you use more than a single tank and then use pumps to balance out differences between tanks.

1 year, 5 months ago

meh its fine, I just like to have 1 spot, like 1 6x6 warehouse with 6 in 6 out vs 6 6x6 warehouse 1 in 1 out type of thing ... it's fine, was just asking :)

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