Advanced Fluid Handling

Valves have been removed due to the current engine limitations. *Check out “Configurable Valves” by Stringweasel for a very clever and convenient valve mod* --Adds I, L, T, and Cross underground pipe extensions. --Adds pipes to ground with I, L, T, and Cross shaped underground outputs that are able to be rotated independent of the above ground port. --Adds an Underground pump. CHECK HOTKEYS FOR MOD.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Balance] Heating requirements, especially for underground pumps

19 days ago

The vanilla pipe-to-ground requires 150kW heating on Aquilo, and most AFH entities require the same amount. However, the underground pumps only require 30kW.

For balance, AFH entities should probably require more heat at higher tiers and with more connections, and the pumps should require at least 150kW. One possibility is tier*underground_connections*150kW heating, instead of a constant 150 kW regardless of distance. (On the other hand, the penalty of 150kW at each end is still pretty steep compared to only 1kW per tile for above-ground pipes.)

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