Advanced Fluid Handling

Valves have been removed due to the current engine limitations. *Check out “Configurable Valves” by Stringweasel for a very clever and convenient valve mod* --Adds I, L, T, and Cross underground pipe extensions. --Adds pipes to ground with I, L, T, and Cross shaped underground outputs that are able to be rotated independent of the above ground port. --Adds an Underground pump. CHECK HOTKEYS FOR MOD.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

b BUG: rotating underground pipes flushes attached pipe network contents

a month ago

Rotating an underground pipe flushes the contents of the attached pipe network.

TO REPRODUCE (might be a simpler build that works but this was the test rig I used):
1. Build a square 4 fluid storage tanks and pump some liquid into them constantly.
2. Build a 2-connection underground pipe on one port.
3. Build a straight underground extender, then a 1-connection underground pipe to a separate storage tank in each of the three directions from the above underground pipe.
4. Use ctrl+R to rotate the 2-connection pipe's connections and observe that the 4 connected tanks empty out completely with each rotation.

Sometimes for reasons I haven't pinned down, error message text about the fluid amount needing to be positive appears, but the flushing effect happens whether or not this error appears.

a month ago

I have also experienced this bug.

27 days ago

Me too, not always painful but with holmium solution or thruster fuel it hurts :-(
Error message was only shown once to me but the flushing happens so often...

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