Advanced Fluid Handling

Valves have been removed due to the current engine limitations. *Check out “Configurable Valves” by Stringweasel for a very clever and convenient valve mod* --Adds I, L, T, and Cross underground pipe extensions. --Adds pipes to ground with I, L, T, and Cross shaped underground outputs that are able to be rotated independent of the above ground port. --Adds an Underground pump. CHECK HOTKEYS FOR MOD.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Supporting Bob's logistic bigger pipes

1 year, 1 month ago

In Bob's logistic mod, there is an option called "bigger pipes" that changes the fluid boxes of higher tier pipes. This enabled top tier pipes to reach up to 30,000 fluid/second throughput. Since l love "Advanced Fluid handling", I thought it would be awesome if this mod supported this option too, so I made a few tweaks to make it work.

Here's a link to the pull request I submitted :

Let me know what you think.

1 year, 23 days ago

This has been merged. I'm making a few other changes and this should be up soon.

New response