Advanced Fluid Handling

Valves have been removed due to the current engine limitations. *Check out “Configurable Valves” by Stringweasel for a very clever and convenient valve mod* --Adds I, L, T, and Cross underground pipe extensions. --Adds pipes to ground with I, L, T, and Cross shaped underground outputs that are able to be rotated independent of the above ground port. --Adds an Underground pump. CHECK HOTKEYS FOR MOD.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Space Exploration - Space Pipe length mismatch

1 year, 1 month ago

The 4 space underground items have a description stating length of 16, but the Max Length states 14. The 4 space 1 to 1/2/3/4 pipes have a range of 16.

Is this intentional ?

1 year, 26 days ago

It's not. Sorry.

1 year, 23 days ago

I now realize I actually flubbed the whole entity design for space pipes. They were supposed to simply be double the distance of the base space pipes, but I accidentally made the pipe to ground 16, while the underground was only 14. I'm just going to make it consistent at 16, because making them all 14 will completely destroy a lot of peoples stuff due to all those pipes no longer connecting.

8 months ago

Sorry for the old bump. The space pipe to undergrounds do run 16 tiles but the space underground extensions and junctions are still only 14 (even tho the descriptions do say 16).

All the other land connection underground pipes equal the pipe to underground length. It's just the underground space that's still 14.

New response