Advanced Fluid Handling

Valves have been removed due to the current engine limitations. *Check out “Configurable Valves” by Stringweasel for a very clever and convenient valve mod* --Adds I, L, T, and Cross underground pipe extensions. --Adds pipes to ground with I, L, T, and Cross shaped underground outputs that are able to be rotated independent of the above ground port. --Adds an Underground pump. CHECK HOTKEYS FOR MOD.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Usable with upgrade planner?

1 year, 8 months ago

Right now you can't use the upgrade planner (green sheet) to quickly upgrade any of the underground pipes with robots. It'd be really handy to have this! :)

1 year, 6 months ago

I second this request! Playing Nullius and have an insane amount of pipes, and not even close to finishing. Since each pipe junction is actually dozens of distinct items it makes it impossible to try and make an upgrade planner for them. Maybe a standalone item (like the Rock Picker from another mod?)

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