
by gerpara

Become the transportation tycoon of Nauvis! Collect food from farms, craft delicious food and useful utilities, grow your cities, and cater to the needs of an ever-growing population.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Manufacturing

a 0.2 - Multiple Cities and Public Transportation

1 year, 4 months ago
(updated 1 year, 4 months ago)

I'm so excited to get this release into your hands! You can now finally fund new cities, and transport passengers between them. All that helps you build an every-increasing currency production machine, but comes with an ever-increasing complexity.

There are some breaking changes, but none of them should break your previous savegames. You may have to fix some power supplies or relocate some supply buildings though.

Please let me know what you think and how it feels to play around with these new changes!

Here are the full patch notes:

Major Features:

- This version should not break any savegames. It may however break some of the supply chains or power supply that you've set up. Read more below.
- BREAKING: Wind turbines have been removed. Their intent was an easy kick-starting of remote primary industries, which can be done better with 
  solar panels now. Please replace them with solar panels if necessary.
- BREAKING: The town hall's inventory and its items have been removed. There was no mod-related purpose for it since dropping the story, and 
  there were issues with third party mod inserters.
- BREAKING: The city's range to access supply buildings has been decreased from previosul 1,000 tiles to now 150 tiles. 150 is still a pretty large area, and
  shouldn't cause issues for most savegames. You can see the range as a green overlay when you are about to place a supply building such as a market. If you built
  supply buildings outside of the updated city's range, you have to relocate them closer to the town hall.
- BREAKING: Cities from savegames started before 0.2 will build houses not properly aligned in their cells. This shouldn't break anything, 
  but I wanted to give you a heads up. This is not going to be fixed for older savegames.
- You can now fund new cities by researching the multiple cities technology, building an urban planning center, and providing it with enough currency. 
  To spawn a new city, there must be enough explored, unobstructed area on the map. You can learn more about that in the tips and tricks which will show up 
  when you research multiple cities. Currently you can have up to 6 cities.
- You can use the multiple cities overview to keep an eye on the cities' supply even if you're working somewhere else. 
  Use the default hotkey CTRL + T or the shortcut (which you can select near the deconstruction tool) to open the overview.
- Once you have multiple cities with residential or highrise housing, cities will spawn passengers in train stations. Research the technology public transportation
  to build train stations. You don't necessarily need to transport passengers with trains, but it's a good fit for a public transportation network. You can learn 
  more about that in the tips and tricks which will show up when you public transportation.


- When you place a supply building, you will now see a green overlay that shows you the city's range (150 tiles). Supply buildings or train stations need to be in this
  range for the city to access it.
- Instead of just calling it City 1, there are now Factorio-themed city names. You're welcome to contribute more!


- The recipe to milk cows has been extracted from husbandry into its own technology. It made a bit more sense to me to have that researchable closer to when you need to bottle milk.
  Savegames from before 0.2 which already had bottling researched, have this new tech researched by default.
- When a new city spawns (including the initial one) you can now see a location marker on the map, and the location is also visible in the chat. Click on the location to see the town hall on the map.


- Updated the amount of science needed for Tycoon technologies.


- Added missing icon for the town hall.
- The town hall now shows basic needs as "Supplied" when there are no citizens that require anything yet.
- Previously the mod sometimes only interacted with the first player, which may have caused issues in multiplayer games. This has been fixed, but I'm not sure how
  well this mod works with multiplayer yet.

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