
by gerpara

Become the transportation tycoon of Nauvis! Collect food from farms, craft delicious food and useful utilities, grow your cities, and cater to the needs of an ever-growing population.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Manufacturing

a 0.1 - Early Access Release

1 year, 4 months ago

Yay! The 0.1 release is finally here. Aside from some changes and new content you can see below, this means that the research into the core concepts for this mod is complete. It also means that you will see less breaking changes, and can really start developing those large cities now!

Version: 0.1.0
Date: 16. 10. 2023
  Major Features:
    - We're now in the 0.x range, which means that breaking changes will become less frequent.
    - You can now research increased productivity for apple farms.
    - Wind turbines allow you to kickstart energy at remote primary productions without the need for solar panels.
    - Rail crossings: Streets can now build across orthogonal rails.
    - Residential and highrise houses emit light.
    - Added a new inventory/recipe tab for tycoon recipes, and properly ordered tycoon items.
    - Gardens now spawn in gaps where any other buildings/roads are unlikely to spawn.
    - When producing milk, the cow now has a 2% chance to die (98% success rate). On average each should yield 5,000 milk and last 50 minutes.
    - When a house or road couldn't be built earlier due to blocking entities, it will now reattempt construction there after a while.
    - The town hall GUI now mentions that urbanization is required for growth.
    - Instead of crashing the game on invalid grid access, the mod now logs an error and tries to let the game continue.
    - Fixed placement and scaling of houses.
    - Prevent city from expanding into uncharted territory (and breaking subsequently).
    - Fixed an issue where roads would continue to build straight indefinitely.
    - Fixed an issue where houses would build far away from roads.
    - Fixed an issue where destroying/mining houses would not update the citizen count.

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