Train tunnels

by Godmave

Tunnels for trains

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Made a mod api feature request to solve pathing issues.

5 years ago

If you would like to weigh in with any other details, that would be good.

As soon as I have time&energy, I'm planning to give you some coding help, so I thought I might as well start solving one of the biggest problems first.

5 years ago

And they've moved it to "won't implement" :-(

I guess we'll just have to get everything else working flawlessly first.

5 years ago

Won't implement is won't implement and not later.

5 years ago

Unless some rseding-level coder with interest in it gets source access and adds it.
But chances are low for that.

5 years ago

I'd have thought if we can get train teleporting working flawlessly then they might reconsider.

5 years ago

We will see. At the moment I don't have the concentration left. Last man standing of my team. The rest is on vacation. Should get better in a week or so. Then I will endeavour first to fix all the currently know bugs and probably rework some things to make them more stable. At the cost of performance most likely, but stable and a bit slower is better than crashing fast.

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