1527.976 Script @__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:402: Include all data between DEBUG START and DEBUG END in the bug report
1527.976 Script @__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:403: ===== DEBUG START =====
1527.976 Script @__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:404: Error on train id: 313
1527.976 Script @__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:407: stack traceback:
__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:407: in function 'warn_invalid'
__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:507: in function 'process_train_waiting_station'
__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:577: in function 'update_trains_on_surface'
__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:593: in function 'tick_update'
__train-bottleneck__/control.lua:61: in function <__train-bottleneck__/control.lua:60>
1527.976 Script @__train-bottleneck__/scripts/model.lua:408: ===== DEBUG END =====
1527.979 Info AppManager.cpp:327: Saving to _autosave0 (blocking).
1531.328 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2007: Saving finished
Previous latest screenshot: https://imgur.com/Fa0zk9b
AAI_Language_Pack = "1.1.15",
AdditionalPasteSettings = "1.6.4",
["Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16"] = "0.6.15",
Armor_pockets = "1.1.0",
ArmouredBiters = "1.1.9",
AtomicArtillery = "0.2.3",
AtomicArtilleryRemote = "0.3.0",
BetterAlertArrows = "1.0.0",
Better_Asteroid_Mining = "1.0.8",
BobPipesThroughput = "0.1.1",
BorderedAlertIcons_NtmFork = "0.2.1",
BottleneckLite = "1.2.8",
Cold_biters = "1.2.2",
CombatRobotsOverhaul = "2.1.9",
CopyPasteModules = "0.1.1",
["Cursed-FMD"] = "0.1.8",
CursorEnhancements = "2.1.1",
Custom_Production_UI = "1.0.0",
DisplayPlates = "1.5.1",
DistributionRequestPlanner = "0.0.2",
DragonIndustries = "1.152.1",
EditorExtensions = "2.2.4",
EvolutionThroughResearch = "0.1.5",
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Explosive_biters = "2.0.5",
FactorySearch = "1.11.1",
FilterChests = "1.1.1",
FlamethrowerTurret2 = "1.0.2",
FluidMustFlow = "1.3.5",
FluidMustFlowSE = "0.0.1",
GameStats = "1.1.4",
Gun_Turret_Alerts = "1.1.11",
IndustrialDisplayPlates = "1.1.6",
Krastorio2 = "1.3.24",
["Krastorio2-more-locomotives"] = "11.0.0",
Krastorio2Assets = "1.2.3",
["Kux-BlueprintExtensions"] = "2.3.2",
["Kux-CoreLib"] = "2.11.0",
["Kux-OrbitalIonCannon"] = "2.4.1",
LTN_Combinator_Modernized = "2.1.4",
LTN_Language_Pack = "1.11.11",
LogisticRequestManager = "1.1.34",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.18.6",
LtnManager = "0.4.25",
MDbobelectronics = "3.6.0",
Milestones = "1.3.25",
MiscLib = "0.9.2",
More_lategame_research = "0.2.1",
MyRUS2 = "22.12.1109",
NoArtilleryMapReveal = "0.1.6",
["Nuclear Fuel"] = "1.1.5",
OmegaDrillSE = "0.0.2",
PickerFilterFill = "0.0.1",
PipeVisualizer = "2.2.1",
PlutoniumEnergy = "1.6.4",
PowerPlusPowerMeter = "1.1.0",
QuickItemSearch = "2.1.10",
RULocaleForSomeMods = "0.0.9",
RateCalculator = "3.2.7",
RealisticDecorationCleanup = "1.1.3",
RealisticFlashlight = "0.2.4",
RealisticReactorGlow = "1.101.7",
Realistic_Heat_Glow = "2.1.0",
RecipeBook = "3.5.10",
RemoteConfiguration = "1.2.6",
Repair_Turret = "1.0.3",
Rich_Text_Helper = "0.4.10",
RitnLib = "0.8.8",
RitnWaterfill = "1.4.5",
Robot_Battery_Research = "0.2.1",
["Rocket-Silo-Construction"] = "1.3.7",
SE_faster_caster = "1.0.4",
SchallCircuitGroup = "1.1.0",
SchallLanguagePack = "2023.10.12",
SchallModulePlacement = "1.1.2",
SchallPrimaryBattery = "1.1.0",
SchallSuit = "1.1.1",
SchallTransportGroup = "1.1.0",
SchallUncraft = "1.1.0",
SchallVirtualSignal = "1.1.2",
["Shield-FX-Updated"] = "0.19.0",
["Shortcuts-ick"] = "1.1.28",
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SpidertronEnhancements = "1.9.2",
["Squeak Through"] = "1.8.2",
TanksK2andK2SETweaks = "0.3.5",
Tapeline = "2.0.10",
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ThickerLines = "0.0.5",
UltimateResearchQueue = "1.1.0",
UnPollock = "1.1.0",
WireShortcutX = "1.2.2",
["XENO-Reverse-Factory-SE"] = "1.0.0",
YARM = "0.10.14",
["aai-containers"] = "0.2.11",
["aai-industry"] = "0.5.22",
["aai-programmable-structures"] = "0.7.4",
["aai-programmable-vehicles"] = "0.7.25",
["aai-pv-crafting-group"] = "0.0.1",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.4.9",
["aai-signals"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-chaingunner"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tank"] = "0.5.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-hauler"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-ironclad"] = "0.6.8",
["aai-vehicles-laser-tank"] = "0.6.4",
["aai-vehicles-miner"] = "0.6.6",
["aai-vehicles-warden"] = "0.5.3",
["aai-zones"] = "0.6.4",
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["alien-biomes"] = "0.6.8",
["auto-barrel"] = "0.3.4",
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base = "1.1.110",
["belt-visualizer"] = "1.3.7",
["better-victory-screen"] = "0.3.1",
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["blueprint-sandboxes"] = "1.19.1",
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["boblogistic-space-ex-logistic-chest-balance"] = "0.0.1",
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["bullet-trails"] = "0.6.2",
["bz-dsr-bridge"] = "0.7.0",
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bzfoundry = "0.2.14",
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bzlead = "1.2.20",
bzsilicon = "0.11.12",
bztin = "0.1.13",
bztitanium = "1.2.13",
bztungsten = "0.7.13",
bzzirconium = "0.7.3",
["combat-log"] = "1.0.0",
["combat-mechanics-overhaul"] = "0.6.24",
["copy-machine-orientation"] = "1.1.0",
crafting_combinator = "0.16.3",
["deep-core-fragment-balancer"] = "1.0.1",
["equipment-gantry"] = "0.1.5",
["even-distribution"] = "1.0.10",
expandtooltip = "1.1.3",
["extended-descriptions"] = "1.3.3",
["factorissimo-2-notnotmelon"] = "1.4.3",
factoryplanner = "1.1.79",
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flib = "0.14.2",
["fluid-memory-storage"] = "1.6.1",
["ghost-counter"] = "1.2.1",
["gore-updated"] = "0.19.0",
["grappling-gun"] = "0.3.3",
guiManager = "0.1.6",
informatron = "0.3.4",
["inserter-throughput-lib"] = "1.1.4",
["inventory-repair"] = "19.1.1",
jetpack = "0.3.14",
["k2-se-nuclear-fuel-fix"] = "0.0.2",
["kr-air-purifier-helper"] = "1.0.8",
krastorio2_extended_endgame = "1.0.4",
["logistic-signals"] = "0.9.0",
["ltn-cleanup"] = "1.0.17",
["melodys-lamps"] = "1.0.0",
["mining-patch-planner"] = "1.6.11",
["modpack-fixes"] = "0.0.7",
more_circuit_signals_UPDATED = "1.2.1",
["nco-AdvancedAirPurification"] = "0.0.3",
["nco-InserterCranes"] = "0.0.7",
["nco-InserterCranes-configuration"] = "0.0.1",
["nixie-tubes"] = "1.1.5",
["ore-manager-fixed"] = "1.1.1",
orphanfinderwithuibutton = "1.0.2",
["pollution-tool"] = "1.0.1",
["prismatic-belts"] = "1.2.5",
pushbutton = "1.1.2",
["quick-adjustable-inserters"] = "1.1.8",
railloader = "1.1.6",
["rec-blue-plus"] = "1.3.15",
["reconnect-cut-wires"] = "0.0.6",
["reverse-factory"] = "8.2.15",
["reverse-factory-postprocess"] = "1.1.0",
robot_attrition = "0.5.15",
["rusty-locale"] = "1.0.16",
["se-core-miner-output-helper"] = "1.0.16",
["se-ltn-glue"] = "0.6.0",
["se-recycling-extras"] = "0.4.2",
["se-spaceship-trip-fuel-consumption"] = "1.0.5",
["se-universe-explorer-sort-spaceship-by-id-vs-name"] = "1.0.0",
["selector-combinator"] = "0.1.2",
["shield-projector"] = "0.1.6",
["show-missing-bottles-for-current-research"] = "1.0.3",
simhelper = "1.1.6",
["solar-productivity"] = "0.5.1",
["space-exploration"] = "0.6.138",
["space-exploration-extra-items"] = "0.2.0",
["space-exploration-graphics"] = "0.6.18",
["space-exploration-graphics-2"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-3"] = "0.6.2",
["space-exploration-graphics-4"] = "0.6.3",
["space-exploration-graphics-5"] = "0.6.1",
["space-exploration-jetpack-gui"] = "1.0.7",
["space-exploration-menu-simulations"] = "0.6.9",
["space-exploration-postprocess"] = "0.6.30",
["space-exploration-scripts"] = "1.1.2",
["space-factorissimo-updated"] = "1.0.2",
["speaker-signals-2"] = "1.1.0",
["spidertron-extended"] = "0.3.16",
stdlib = "1.4.8",
["tech-tree-trimmer"] = "0.0.11",
textplates = "0.6.10",
["tooltip-opacity"] = "1.1.0",
["train-bottleneck"] = "0.1.4",
train_tech = "0.0.8",
unbarrel = "0.3.1",
["underground-pipe-pack"] = "1.1.3",
["underground-pipe-pack-simple"] = "1.1.1",
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["vtk-armor-plating"] = "1.1.1",
["vtk-cannon-turret"] = "1.12.1",
yafla = "0.1.2",
zUnduplicate = "0.0.8",
["zk-lib"] = "0.16.5"