Train bottleneck

Keep track of where your trains travel the most

6 months ago

b [solved] No support for Space Exploration +K2

6 months ago

Error while running event train-bottleneck::on_tick (ID 0)
train-bottleneck/scripts/model.lua:339: attempt to index global 'ggtrtm' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
train-bottleneck/scripts/model.lua:339: in function 'process_train_waiting_other'
train-bottleneck/scripts/model.lua:380: in function 'update_trains_on_surface'
train-bottleneck/scripts/model.lua:392: in function 'tick_update'
train-bottleneck/control.lua:61: in function <train-bottleneck/control.lua:60>

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Whoa that's sloppy of me, it was "just" a typo. Fix is available for the grabs!

Normally this mod should not cause any incompatibilities with other mods. Right now I haven't tested modded rails yet though will be added in the near future. Modded rails should now be supported as well.

6 months ago

It works Very beautiful, Thank you.
It can only make me see the problem of trains running around, but it still can't change it.

6 months ago

Yes that is true, it is mainly an analysis tool. In what way would you expect things to be changed?

6 months ago

I know there's no perfect game.'re on Mars.
Every day you see the earth's trains all stop because of a signal. How do you feel?
If I couldn't set the train route, this nightmare would keep happening.

6 months ago

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. If you're having difficulties with properly signalling your rails then perhaps Signalling Overseer might be of help. Other than that I don't think this mod can help you in that perspective.

6 months ago

The calculated route is regular, and the train bottleneck will change its location along the calculated route, but there will always be a rail intersection.
My problem is more complex, involving 400 trains and three planets. I have to find another way to solve it.
Thanks for your reply.

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