Thermal Solar Power (Lite)

Streamlined fork of Thermal Solar Power by MarximusMaximus and others. Contains the basic thermal solar panel (+ large version for better performance), heat exchanger & heat pipe. A new heat loss mechanism has been added, along with various features, visual updates, settings and new mod compat. The mod is carefully balanced for vanilla, but can be configured.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Power

i Salt [CLOSED]

1 year, 3 months ago

Are you planning to bring back Salt Evaporation Pond with some modern graphics perhaps?

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

Hi dtoxic. Well, probably not. I did like the concept of evaporating water for salt, and it would indeed be cooler with updated graphics. But because I decided to remove the molten salt accumulators, there was no need for the evaporation pond either.

In terms of realism, I have the clear impression that only high-temperature active (pump) heat storage systems use molten salt at 250+°C that can be stored and quickly pumped around as needed. The accumulator is just a passive heat storage, though, and for that, something like sand (maybe crushed from stone or collected from the seabed in Factorio) would work just fine.

In addition to that, the heat accumulators weren't actually needed in the original mod, and it is even less so the case in this fork due to heat loss coupled with the 165°C threshold for energy production. Steam storage is better, since it's lossless (because, Factorio). And while there may be mods that could benefit from energy specifically stored as heat, vanilla Factorio and this mod doesn't. (Even though it would fit nicely in with the whole thermal energy theme...)

So I don't have any plans of bringing it back, at least not for now. Although I am curious: What are the things you like about the Salt Evaporation Pond? I could take that into consideration when making changes to the mod in the future.

1 year, 3 months ago

nothing particular,it just adds another layer of complexity for us who like to torture ourselves in factorio with ever more complex designs.
But it;s understandable if you wont add it...was just asking see if it;s in any future plans

anyway thx for the fork.

1 year, 3 months ago

Of course, that is also the main draw for me as well. :-) Anyway, it's my pleasure, and I hope you enjoy the mod!

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