Thermal Solar Power (Lite)

Streamlined fork of Thermal Solar Power by MarximusMaximus and others. Contains the basic thermal solar panel (+ large version for better performance), heat exchanger & heat pipe. A new heat loss mechanism has been added, along with various features, visual updates, settings and new mod compat. The mod is carefully balanced for vanilla, but can be configured.

5 months ago
Fluids Power


Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2023-12-11
    - Updated energy parameter suggestions for Sea Block (removed them entirely).
    - Updated thumbnail.
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2023-11-22
    - Updated thumbnail to reflect the new graphics.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2023-11-22
    - Increased version number to 1.1.0.
    - Updated thermal solar panel graphics with much better ai upscaling along with careful
      retouching. I couldn't really improve connection sprites due to some game limitations, but
      the overall result seems better.
Version: 1.0.9
Date: 2023-11-21
    - Fixed an issue with high-res connection sprites apparently not being loaded. Also retouched
      some graphics to fix issue with too dark shadows on connections. May improve it further
      another time.
    - Removed some unneeded variables and checks on value inputs from Startup Settings.
    - Adjusted suggestion for Sea Block in Startup Settings.
    - Clarified some code.
Version: 1.0.8
Date: 2023-11-19
    - Added mod adaptation for Sea Block along with a balancing suggestion in Settings.
      (Note: Will not reduce heat pipe max temp due to possible risk of save crash).
    - Removed unneccesary text from Settings.
Version: 1.0.7
Date: 2023-11-19
    - Made suggestions in Startup Settings on how to balance energy parameters for the overhaul
      mods, based on experimentation. Difficult, many things to consider!
    - Made an internal variable name easier to recognize.
Version: 1.0.6
Date: 2023-11-18
    - Adjusted tech cost and prerequisite alternatives.
    - Adjusted all recipe cost alternatives.
    - Added mod adaptation for Space Exploration.
    - Restructured code for recipes and tech.
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2023-11-17
    - Fixed a typo in Startup Settings.
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2023-11-17
    - Added option in Startup Settings to adapt recipes and tech tree to particular overhaul mods.
      Options so far include Industrial Revolution 3 and Krastorio 2. Energy parameters may still
      have to be adjusted by the user for better/preferred balance.
    - Added the command "/tspl unlock" which can forcefully unlock all recipes in this mod.
    - Improved layout and description of some of the code, fixed a description in Settings.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2023-11-16
    - Fixed issue with the large Thermal Panel returning a small panel when mined! No idea how I
      overlooked this...
    - Fixed changelog.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2023-11-15
    - Thermal Solar Panels:
      - Removed 3x heat transfer rate bonus from large variant to better match the normal one.
      - Adjusted heat transfer rates from 12MW to 18MW (so at least 27 large panels can transfer
        their heat energy to one end-point).
      - Removed heat transfer loss entirely to simplify. Script for heat dissipation is sufficient.
    - Basic Heat Exchanger:
      - Increased heat transfer rate from 12MW to 500MW to match the Basic Heat Pipe (this better 
        matches material costs for both too).
      - Removed heat transfer loss of 1°C, since it is not a feature of the vanilla variant.
      - Made energy conversion rate (and thus fluid throughput) configurable in Startup Settings.
    - Tidied up some code and descriptions. Compacted some code related to graphics assets.
    - Fixed some startup setting descriptions.
    - Added missing info to changelog for v.1.0.0.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2023-11-13
    - Made some corrections to changelog.
    - Removed some unused code.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2023-11-13
    - Initial release, for Factorio version 1.1.94.
    - Copied the mod Thermal Solar Power 1.2.0 by MarximusMaximus (and more).
    - Removed all higher tier versions of machines to simplify the mod.
    - Removed evaporation pond and heat accumulator, not really needed.
    - Removed recycler since need for recycling is much lower now.
    - Changed recipe costs and various other properties.
    - Changed sorting order of items in menu, grouping them all together.
    - Added icon graphics with changed hue for the basic heat exchanger and basic heat pipe.
    - Changed thumbnail.
    - Updated MIT License to include my username as well.
    - Updated both English and German locale (relied mostly on Google Translate for the latter),
      while discarding the Italian one (too difficult for me to update).
    - Added option to create fast replaceable groups for heat exchangers and heat pipes. Off by
      default to better deal with mod conflicts. Works with Bob's Power.
    - Basic Heat Exchanger:
      - Fixed visual glitch where heat pipes were always brightly glowing, by setting min. glow
        temp lower than max. temp. Set max temp to 1000°C to avoid heat visual mismatch in general.
        Won't matter much for game balance anyway due to heat loss.
      - Somehow fixed a graphics priority issue noticed around the panels as well.
    - Thermal Solar Panel:
      - Added missing shadows (had to change prototype from heat-pipe to reactor and create a new
        shadow image).
      - Improved visuals by trimming base sprite images and creating heat pipe connection sprite
        images for south direction. Not perfect.
      - Added optional ai-upscaled high-res version of the thermal solar panel graphics.
      - Added heat loss mechanism where loss is proportional to temperature above 15°C.
      - Made output be affected by surface solar power multiplier (useful for mods like SE).
      - Added settings to change heat energy output (range: 37.5 - 120 kW).
      - Added a makeshift sunlight indicator which provides a snapshot of sunlight level on gui
        opened. Very slowly goes down (because >0 amount of fluid must be consumed). Tiny issue:
        Death, crash, disconnection may leave fluid behind. Click entity to reset.
    - Large Thermal Solar Panel:
      - Created a 9x9 area version of the panels, for better performance. A bit more efficient as a
        side effect of how the heat mechanism works.
      - Made custom graphics for entity, icon and remnants.
    - Basic Heat Pipe:
      - Reduced heat capacity to a quarter of the vanilla variant.
    - Debugging/info:
      - Fixed issue with temperature script sometimes not working on mod update, by automatically
        rebuilding an internal list.
      - Added the command "/tspl reset" to rebuild internal list of panels on all surfaces (just an
        extra safety measure). Also clears any "solar-fluid" used for makeshift sunlight indicator.
      - Added the command "/tspl info" to inform of solar power multiplier and max. possible panel
        temperature on player's current surface.