There is my ghost

This mod changes the way you interact with ghosts. You can no longer place a building over a ghost of a different building, which makes blueprints easier to plonk down without construction bots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Incompatibility with Edit-Blueprints

4 years ago

Installed Edit-Blueprints and tried to open it's editor window with a blueprint in hand. Immediate crash with the following exception:

596.622 Error MainLoop.cpp:1202: Exception at tick 5048067: The mod Edit-Blueprints (0.1.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Edit-Blueprints::on_gui_click (ID 1)
The mod There is my ghost (0.18.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event there-is-my-ghost::on_player_toggled_map_editor (ID 116)
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:28: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:28: in function <there-is-my-ghost/events.lua:26>
stack traceback:
Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:155: in function 'toggle_editor_and_teleport'
Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:535: in function 'enter_blueprint_editing'
Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:731: in function <Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:727>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'toggle_map_editor'
Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:155: in function 'toggle_editor_and_teleport'
Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:535: in function 'enter_blueprint_editing'
Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:731: in function <Edit-Blueprints/control.lua:727>
771.061 Quitting: window closed.

4 years ago

That's a cool mod, I didn't even know it exists ... though, I had a look at the bug and I don't really understand what is happening, but it seems to me like There Is My Ghost fails to populate its table, and crashes because it didn't expect that.
I'd guess it's something related to how toggling map editor is done, in my mod I use player.toggle_map_editor()

4 years ago

Been some time, but just found what the problem here was. I didn't know you could get into the map editor from the game, so I didn't keep that in mind when writing the function for disabling TIMG in the map editor. Did that now, and found that when exiting TIMG never enables the shortcuts again.

4 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

4 years ago

Thanks! Happy to be able to re-enable this :D

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