Team Competition

Adds 19 PVP/PVE scenarios. Includes tons of admin options, diplomacy, team management, survival waves, a market system, and some solo compatible modes.

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0

i Option to remove Team recipes

4 years ago

Can we get a setting to not generate team-based recipes? I use this mod because it's the best team-control I can find for multiplayer, and mostly use it in team play. However, the team-based, very expensive recipes mess up the game's "total raw" calculations and prevent one-click crafting from the player inventory. For example, the heavy armor claims to take 91 minutes and just over 10k resources even though I can craft it way faster and cheaper if I do it manually and not using the team recipes.

This would probably have to be a startup setting based on what I know of Factorio modding, but if it could be done so that free play disables them that would be even better.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

These recipes are only shown and available for restrictive market game option. If you play free or no market, none of these recipes should be availabe for any force. What is probably happening with your game is that another mod is messing with theses recipes and making it available for forces. If you check the discussion channel there is another topic related, with the possible solution. If you discover what mod is causing it, please ask the author to stop unlocking recipes on mod updates. I would probably tag it as incompatible

4 years ago

Hm. I have it set to free trading, so it sounds like they shouldn't be showing up. I'll take a look into it, the game only lists Team Competition as modifying the recipes; I could swear they weren't unlocked before though so maybe it's one of the mod updates as you mentioned.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

You will not see another mod noted on the recipe, if it only enables the recipe on mod updates, as it is not changing the prototype. To test it: start a new game, free market, hit "play now". You will not see any expensive recipe. Save the game. Remove or add any other mod, load the game. You will now see the expensive recipe, because some other mod did that... If you dont see the expensive recipe after removing a mod, you have found the mod that is causing the problem.

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