Team Competition

Adds 19 PVP/PVE scenarios. Includes tons of admin options, diplomacy, team management, survival waves, a market system, and some solo compatible modes.

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0

b New MP map created a bug

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Main Menu > Multiplayer > Host New Game > Next > Next > Play > Bug

Ingame Img

Factorio - Current

Current Mods Used

4 years ago

Problem is also displayed when trying to create a SP world

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

problem seems to be with the new kick ass mod Krastorio 2 >link<

4 years ago

Hi EmuLegs
Team competition uses many vanilla items and recipes. Overhaul mods like Krastorio changes all recipes and items, and this makes both mods incompatible. I am planning a krastorio run soon. Then, after I know the mod and all its changes, I can make then run together, but I need to understand the mod first.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

may i ask how Team Comp uses items?
i assume for the game modes production challenge & wealthiest Nation?
and the market place of course

The mod 'Territory Claim' would use items as well, but that would be isolated to its own mod and not prevent K2 from launching? so just disabling it, would work as its a mod that you can just "add on" to the team mode

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

And there is no startup settings for Team Comp that i can mess around with to make it work hmmmmm.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The main problems are science packs recipes... But I wont modify TC until I play and uderstand krastorio changes

4 years ago

After messing around with a LOT of things i shouldn't have, it seems that market is the only thing i found preventing FreePlay with your mod and K2 o.O

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

also, it seems in Free Play, it is restricting some items, probably because i was messing with the code :p

what area is that part in :p?

4 years ago

mam taki sam problem. Wersja gry 0.18.29 ( Build 52522, win64, steam )

4 years ago

I dont know why the market funcions is going on if the game has not even started... i dont think i will investigate this. If this error is show after the game started, let me know

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