Tag Helper deprecated

by Dustine

GUI utility to ease formatting rich text and inserting tags (those emoji like icons) on Factorio 0.17+

4 years ago

b Doesn't work with Yuoki??

4 years ago

Got this while attempting to use this on my Yuoki map.........

The mod Tag Helper caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event tag-helper::tag-helper (ID 154)
Gui element with name th_sprite-button_group_item_yuoki already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:264: in function 'create_group'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:339: in function 'create_tags_tabs'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:783: in function 'refresh_main_dialog'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:991: in function 'toggle_main_dialog'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:1012: in function <tag-helper/control/ui.lua:1010>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:264: in function 'create_group'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:339: in function 'create_tags_tabs'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:783: in function 'refresh_main_dialog'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:991: in function 'toggle_main_dialog'
tag-helper/control/ui.lua:1012: in function <tag-helper/control/ui.lua:1010>

4 years ago

hi church!

i'm gonna look into this today 'n morrow but if you could give me a full list of the mods you're running i'd be grateful, this looks like it won't be the easiest fix as it's violating something i assumed couldn't happen (item groups and recipe groups sharing names? thought you couldn't do that)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

still would appreciate the mod list if you have the time (so i'll leave the thread open), but from what i can gather i've fixed the bug on 0.3.1! the interface opens without hassle if you have Yuoki Industries, or any other mods that have fluid/item groups name conflicts

4 years ago

Hi Dustine,
Sorry to be a while getting back to you - the weakness of the mod portal is that it doesn't seem to notify you of replies in the discussion section.

The mods I'm currently using are.......
Alien Biomes 0.4.15
Alien Biomes High-Res Terrain 0.4.1
Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes 2.2.1
& Compact Loaders
FNEI 0.2.7
Logistic Request Manager 0.17.4
Long Range Radar for 0.17.7
Factorio 0.17
More Logisitic Slots 2.0.0
Realistic Ddecoration Cleanup 0.17.4
Resource Spawner Overhaul 5.0.20
Squeak Through 1.3.0
Tiny Start 0.17.3
Train Supply Manager 0.5.6
YIR - Americans 0.7.9
YIR - Uranium Power Trains 0.7.11
YIR - Yuoki-Industries-Railroads 0.7.16
Yuoki Industries 0.7.83
Yuoki Industries Engines 0.7.35
Yuoki Industries - Railways 0.7.23

4 years ago

Hi Dustine,
Sorry to be a while getting back to you - the weakness of the mod portal is that it doesn't seem to notify you of replies in the discussion section.

it might not subscrive you automatically to thread replies, check the settings inside Notifications and see if this thread's there

anyway, ty for the mod list, bc i can assure that it works owo gonna close this thread now, please open a new one if problems persist!

This thread has been locked.