Tag Helper deprecated

by Dustine

GUI utility to ease formatting rich text and inserting tags (those emoji like icons) on Factorio 0.17+

4 years ago

g WHY!?

4 years ago

WHY!? There is already a Modification like this ...

4 years ago

pfft, because i'm a fool and didn't think of looking up if there was a mod that did what i wanted for a private server about two weeks ago, which was having an easier time putting tags and coloured text on train stations. i think i found yours on an unrelated factorio forum post like, last thursday? and by then i was already halfway done with 0.2, whoops

that said, yours does a lot more stuff (gps, renaming stations and entities, and that's just from what i can recall), and i really just wanted something to help me with formatting station names, so my mod has a much smaller scope

i don't really plan to add nothing more feature-wise, besides better translation support or tweaking how the output box works in regards to selections, but the first's more of a coding challenge and the second is impossible without doing a feature request on the forums so i'm not that comfy with it

so, yeah. this might be an open source coding scene and all, but even so i never meant to step on anyone's toes, should had looked up anyway. i do believe there's space for two, specially as i wanted to just do a specific thing (insert rich text easily), and do it conveniently. and honestly? i can't even do that, i wanted something akin to window's win+period emoji menu ;;u;;"

4 years ago

I like the way this mod looks - I will check it out

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