Super Generous Recipes

by M4pster

Last Update Version: 0.10.0 Date: 28. 5. 2023 Features: - Added 'Allow Mining Drill Editing' (default: Off) - Added 'Mining Drill Speed Multiplier' (default: 1) - Added 'Mining Drill Area Multiplier' (default: 1) Fixed: - Fixed Extended Vanilla mods breaking on startup (Thanks foxwhite25!) - Fixed Basic, advanced and core liquefaction recipes not working with SGR settings

9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Mining Fluids Power Cheats

g Add more options for stack size

3 years ago


You mentioned to add the comment from the forums here.

I think being able to modify the stack size resarches (for inserter and cargobot) WITHOUT modifying item stack sizes would be great.


3 years ago

Hi Crixomix!

I have pushed 0.4.0 which includes a lot of additional settings including the ones you've requested.
This was a good opportunity to update the descriptions of all the options too!

Let me know if there's any further additions you would like added!


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